Sermon Series: Seeking True Faith | What Did the Lord Jesus Really Mean When He Said "It Is Finished" on the Cross?
September 28, 2021
Believers in the Lord all think that when the Lord Jesus said the words "It is finished" on the cross, He meant that God's work to save mankind was completely done. This is why they feel certain that the Lord won't perform any more work of salvation when He returns, but He'll take all believers directly up into the kingdom of heaven. This is something that believers in the Lord feel very confident about, but is there any biblical basis for it? Is this confirmed by the Holy Spirit? Did the Lord Jesus ever say He would never do any more work to save mankind? We can say without a doubt—No. So when the Lord Jesus said "It is finished," what did He really mean? In this episode of Seeking True Faith, we'll explore the truth of the matter together and come to know God's work better.
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