Christian Dance | "God Expresses the Truth and Saves Us" | Praise Song

October 27, 2024


Brothers and sisters gather together,

singing and dancing in praise of God.

Thanks be to Almighty God for becoming flesh,

expressing the truth, and saving us.

We eat, drink, and enjoy God's word each day,

enjoy God's word each day;

understanding the truth, our hearts are filled with sweetness.

We see the evil and darkness of the world clearly,

and abandon everything to expend ourselves for God.

Thank You, Almighty God, for leading us onto the right path in life.

We strip off the worldly bonds that entangle us,

fulfill our duties, and live before God.

Thank You, Almighty God, for saving us from Satan's influence.

We pursue the truth, bear resounding witness,

and live in the kingdom of God.


Brothers and sisters gather together,

singing and dancing in praise of God.

Through the exposure, trials, and revelation of God's word,

we see just how deeply corrupted we are.

Our words and actions have relied on satanic philosophies,

devoid of any human likeness, devoid of any human likeness.

We accept the judgment and pruning of God's word,

truly repent, and become new people.

Thank You, Almighty God, for judging, chastising, and cleansing us.

Our life disposition is changed

and we live in the likeness of honest people.

Thank You, Almighty God,

for bestowing the truth and the life upon us.

We've come to know God's holiness and righteousness,

and we've come to fear and submit to Him.


Brothers and sisters gather together,

singing and dancing in praise of God.

God has humbled Himself as a human to save us,

enduring great suffering and paying a big price.

Since we are saved by God and enjoy His blessings,

we are unworthy of being called human

if we don't think about repaying Him.

The spread of the gospel is God's urgent intention,

and we must offer our loyalty to repay His grace.

Thank You, Almighty God,

for it's You who expresses the truth and saves us.

We're so blessed to receive salvation in the last days,

and we shall love and bear witness to God for all time.

Thank You, Almighty God,

for it's You who expresses the truth and saves us.

We're so blessed to receive salvation in the last days,

and we shall love and bear witness to God for all time.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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