Christian Dance | "God Is in My Heart" | Praise Song

June 12, 2024


The road of the gospel is full of ups and downs,

and I often pray to You.

Pondering Your words, I see Your love; my heart is soothed.

I bear humiliation to bear witness for You,

and I know even better how lovely You are.

Following You all the way, I will walk ever on to the end.

When You change Your form, I will welcome Your return.


It is Your words which nurture me and give me a human life.

Thinking of Your love my heart feels enjoyment,

and my whole body is filled with strength.

I abandon everything and expend for You—it's You who exalts me.

I abandon everything and expend for You—it's You who exalts me.

Following You all the way, I will walk ever on to the end.

When You change Your form, I will welcome Your return.

Following You all the way, I will walk ever on to the end.

When You change Your form, I will welcome Your return.


Hardships and always being on the go cause me no pain,

for You are with me.

Though I cannot see Your face, my heart still loves You,

and You are in my heart.

Your love has already put down roots in my heart

and I shall forever be loyal to You.

Following You all the way, I will walk ever on to the end.

When You change Your form, I will welcome Your return.

Following You all the way, I will walk ever on to the end.

When You change Your form, I will welcome Your return.

When You change Your form, I will welcome Your return.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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