English Christian Song | "God Makes Suitable Arrangements for Each Kind of Man"

May 24, 2024


All of humanity is God's creation.

No matter what races people belong to,

they are all created beings;

they are all descendants of Adam and Eve.

No matter which type of being they belong to,

they are all, they are all created beings;

since they belong to humanity,

which was created by God,

their destination is that which humanity should have,

and they have been divided according to the rules,

according to the rules that organize humans.

Created beings that commit evil will ultimately be destroyed,

and created beings who perform righteous deeds

will survive, will survive.

This is the most suitable arrangement

for these two kinds of created beings,

these two kinds of created beings.


After God's work ends, among all created beings,

there will be those who will be destroyed or survive.

This is an inevitable trend of His management work;

no one can deny it.

Evildoers will not be allowed to survive,

will not be allowed to survive;

those who submit and follow God to the end are certain to survive.

As this work is that of mankind's management,

there will be those who remain and those who are cast out.

These are different outcomes for different types of people;

they're the most suitable arrangements for created beings.

God's ultimate arrangement for mankind

is to divide them by breaking families, crushing ethnicities

and shattering national borders

in an arrangement without families or national borders,

for humans are, after all,

descended from one ancestor and are created beings.


In short, created beings who do evil will be destroyed, will be destroyed,

and created beings that submit to God will survive, will survive.

Then, there will be no families, no countries,

and especially no ethnicities in the time of rest to come;

this kind of humanity will be the holiest kind of humanity.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together

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