Christian Dance | "Church Life Is Truly Good" | Praise Song

October 10, 2024


Almighty God incarnate, we raise our voices in praise of You.

We have been raised before Your throne

to attend the feast of the heavenly kingdom.

We are watered by Your words and enjoy Your tremendous love;

living each day before You, we feel happy and sweet in our hearts.

God's words lead us to a new life.

In practicing and experiencing His words

we realize just how precious the truth is.

Now we understand the truth and are not constrained by regulations,

so we can practice the truth, submit to God, and gain freedom and liberation.

Church life is truly joyous and we praise Almighty God for all eternity!


What a true honor to accept God's work of the last days.

Experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God's words,

we see just how corrupt we are.

Though we have suffered trials and refinement,

our satanic dispositions are cleansed.

Entering into the truth reality, we see the blessings of God.

We gain the truth and are saved by God, obtaining new life.

Casting off our corruption and becoming new people,

we experience how practical God's love is.

We gain the truth and are set free, our hearts burst with joy.

We are truly blessed to break away from the influence of darkness

and be gained by God!

Church life is truly joyous and we praise Almighty God for all eternity!


Brothers and sisters cooperate harmoniously, living in God's words;

we love and support one another, with no distance between our hearts.

We practice the truth and purely open ourselves up

to be honest people, which makes God happy.

We love God simply, without deception, transactions, or demands.

Brothers and sisters join hands to bear beautiful witness to God.

To spread God's kingdom gospel I offer up my whole being,

fulfill my duty with all my heart and mind, and satisfy God's intentions.

I will expend myself for God loyally to the end,

and forever love and testify to God!

Church life is truly joyous and we praise Almighty God for all eternity!


God's judgment is a blessing, cleansing and saving us.

God's words are the truth and have become our life.

We worship God with heart and honesty and live in the light of His presence.

The kingdom of Christ is truly wonderful and is our warm home.

Our hearts rejoice beyond words in living in the church life.

Having God's presence and guidance is an enormous blessing,

and loving God and following God's will is the happiest way to live.

Church life is truly joyous and we praise Almighty God for all eternity!

Church life is truly joyous and we praise Almighty God for all eternity!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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