English Christian Song | "Everything God Does for Man, He Does Freely"

December 10, 2024


God has come to express so much truth. People obtain the everlasting life from God, a life that is eternal. God has fulfilled His wishes, fulfilled His six-thousand-year management plan—the work of saving mankind. God granted His life to man freely, without any demands or transaction, and without any additional requirements. All He requires of people is to accept His words into their hearts and live out the semblance of a human according to His requirements, and then His work will achieve results, and His wishes will be satisfied.


God is selfless. There is no selfishness in any of the things God does. At the same time that God allows people to understand the truth and obtain the life, He also arranges a great many circumstances, people, events, and things, so that people may have the appropriate circumstances and conditions in which to sufficiently experience and understand the truthfulness of His words and the truth contained therein. He uses all kinds of methods, such as pruning, discipline, trials, refinement, promptings, and exhortation, to help people understand His intentions, to not misunderstand His heart, and to get people to step onto the right way.


At the same time that God does all this, He does not have any additional requirements of people. In the time that God saves people, He gives them sufficient opportunities and space, and provides various advantageous and convenient conditions and circumstances to build up each person. At the same time, He also cleanses each person, and in the end, He perfects those who can be perfected; He perfects those who love and pursue the truth. In short, all this that God does, whether the words He says to people, the work He does, or the price He pays, is done freely.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Man Is the Greatest Beneficiary of God's Management Plan

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