Christian Dance | "Following Closely" | Praise Song

December 13, 2024


How joyous it is to gather in the church.

Words cannot describe the joy in our hearts.

In eating and drinking God's words every day, we understand the truth.

In accepting judgment, we're cleansed, and our hearts are filled with peace and joy.

Oh God! You know our statures are small,

and more so, You know our caliber is poor.

Please enlighten and illuminate me so that I may understand more truths.

I'll follow You in a down-to-earth manner, and testify for You.


God hopes for people to understand the truth

and do their duty to follow Him.

We must read more of God's words to understand more truth.

With one heart and mind, we fulfill our duties and spread God's gospel.

Through countless obstacles and hurdles,

it's God who guides us through, so that we stand firm in our witness.

We do our duty to repay God's love, and we cannot let Him down.

God's urgent intention is to spread the kingdom gospel far and wide.


As great disasters come, the final stretch of the path unfolds.

In bearing resounding testimony, we gain God's approval.

The wise should pursue the truth, and be idle no more.

Let us do our duties well and bear witness to shame Satan.

The new dance in praise of God becomes ever more joyful,

and songs in praise of God echo across the earth.

To testify for God well, we must strengthen our efforts.

We must imitate Peter, submit unto death, and love God to the uttermost!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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