Gospel Testimony | "I Found the Path to Be Cleansed of Sin"

September 6, 2020

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The main character finds that, when things go awry, she just can't help but lose her temper and scold others, and she can't keep the Lord's teachings. Her inability to extricate herself from living in sin is really painful for her, so she consults with her pastor but still can't find a solution. She seeks out a friend of hers who has accepted Almighty God's work. After reading Almighty God's words and listening to the experiential testimony of brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God, she finally understands that undergoing God's work of judgment in the last days is imperative to be freed from the bonds of sin, be cleansed, and enter the kingdom of heaven. Overcome with excitement, she accepts God's work of the last days.

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