Christian Dance | "The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived" | Praise Song

November 18, 2024


God incarnate, the Son of man, has descended, appearing as Almighty God in the flesh.

His word has initiated the Age of Kingdom, and the judgment has begun from God's house.

God's chosen people are raised before Him; they come to worship Christ of the last days.

Almighty God speaks new words every day, bringing people the way of eternal life.

New Jerusalem descends from heaven, and the whole universe rejoices.

God has gained the kingdom and come down to earth, and the Millennial Kingdom has arrived.


Famine has descended upon the religious world, and people are compelled to seek the true way.

They've yearned for the Son of man's appearance for so long, and they are conquered by the sound of God's voice.

They have accepted God's judgment and cleansing, and they have gained the truth and the life.

Through all manner of trials and tribulations, they've seen God's almightiness and wisdom.

They rely on God's word and stand firm in their witness, bringing glory to Almighty God.

God has made a group of overcomers, and His great work has reached its completion.


God's wrath has descended, and the great disasters come one after another.

Evil mankind is destroyed by God, fully revealing God's righteousness.

God's people have defeated Satan, and they live in the light of God's presence.

They have been brought by God into the Millennial Kingdom, where they revel in God's eternal blessings.

God's word has accomplished all, revealing God's wisdom and almightiness.

God's word reigns on earth, and the Millennial Kingdom has arrived.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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