Christian Dance | "Praise God for Gaining Glory" | Praise Song

October 16, 2024


Almighty God, glorious and honorable,

has come among man in the flesh.


God expresses the truth and cleanses us.

In understanding the truth, we are changed.

The judgment of God's word demonstrates His almightiness.

We have seen God's righteousness.

We're cleansed by the word of God

and gain the truth and life.

We're truly blessed and offer up our songs and dances.

We thank God for the grace of His salvation.

God's righteousness and holiness are deserving of eternal praise.

We offer up our loyalty and bear resounding testimony to God.


God's righteous wrath has been unleashed,

and those who resist Him will be punished.

All those who accept the truth and submit to God

will be saved by God.

God's people are proclaiming and testifying to God;

the gospel spreads throughout the world.

God has defeated Satan and attained glory,

and Christ's kingdom has appeared on earth.

Created humanity has returned to its original likeness,

and all humanity has come to live in the light of God's presence.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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