2022 Christian Testimony Video Based on a True Story | "The Reality Behind People Pleasers"

January 13, 2022

In hard times, sincerely rely on God and you will find that God’s hand has never left you. Would you like to learn God’s words and rely on God?

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Wang Li and the main character are partnered to serve as supervisors. In their duty, she discovers that Wang Li acts out of her corrupt disposition, ostracizing and suppressing brothers and sisters. She wants to point out the nature and consequences of these actions, but she doesn't bring it up directly, afraid of offending her. It's not until brothers and sisters feel so constrained by Wang Li that they are living in a negative state, and this causes serious disruptions to the work of God's house, that she comes before God and reflects on herself. What does she learn about herself through the judgment and revelation of God's words? Ultimately, is she able to uphold the principles and expose Wang Li's issues? Let's listen to her experience.

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