Christian Devotional Song | "Who Is Sincerely Devoted to God?"

May 13, 2020

Verse 1

When I require things of man,

he quickly closes his “storehouse.”

When I give to man,

he quickly opens his mouth to take in My riches secretly.

And he trembles deep in his heart,

afraid that I will strike back at him.

Thus the mouth of man is half open, half closed;

he can’t truly enjoy the riches I bestow.


Among the people of today’s world,

including those present in My own household,

who truly takes refuge in Me?

Who gives their heart in exchange for the price I’ve paid?

Who has ever dwelt in My household?

Has anyone truly offered themselves before Me?

Has anyone truly offered themselves before Me?

Verse 2

I do not easily condemn man,

yet he always takes Me by the hand,

asking for My mercy upon him;

only when man entreats Me do I once again show “mercy.”

I give him the harshest words of My mouth,

such that he feels ashamed,

not able to receive My “mercy,”

instead makes others pass it on to him.


When he has fully taken in all My words,

man’s stature corresponds with My wishes,

his pleas are fruitful, and not in vain or futile;

I bless the sincere pleas of man, not a pretense.


Among the people of today’s world,

including those present in My own household,

who truly takes refuge in Me?

Who gives their heart in exchange for the price I’ve paid?

Who has ever dwelt in My household?

Has anyone truly offered themselves before Me?

Has anyone truly offered themselves before Me?

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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