Christian Testimony Video | "I Nearly Missed My Chance to Welcome the Lord"

September 30, 2021

In hard times, sincerely rely on God and you will find that God’s hand has never left you. Would you like to learn God’s words and rely on God?


Because he unquestioningly believes what his pastors tell him and clings to a literal interpretation of the Bible, the main character thinks that believing in Almighty God is tantamount to a betrayal of the Lord. He refuses to look into Almighty God's work of the last days time and time again, and even tries to stand in the way of his wife's faith in Him. What happens to him that shifts his perspective and makes him willing to seek and investigate Almighty God's work? And what passages of God's words make him certain that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, and drive him to follow the Lamb's footsteps and welcome the Lord? Let's listen to his story.

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