71 The Greatest Happiness Is Truly Loving God


We’ve finally heard God’s voice and been raised before His throne.

We eat and drink and enjoy God’s words, we live in the light of His countenance.

Fellowshipping on the truth and sharing our experiences, our hearts are full of joy.

Experiencing God’s words and understanding the truth, our spirits are released and free.

Undergoing the judgment of words and being cleansed, we’ve become new men.

We pursue the truth to gain life. Truly loving God is the greatest happiness.


Undergoing judgment before the seat of Christ, we’ve seen the truth of mankind’s corruption.

God’s words are a sharp double-edged sword piercing our hearts and spirits.

Understanding the truth and knowing ourselves, we have a path for life entry.

Seeing into our satanic nature essence, we’ve resolved to repent and become new men.

Undergoing the judgment of words and being cleansed, we’ve become new men.

We pursue the truth to gain life. Truly loving God is the greatest happiness.


Truly loving God and fulfilling our duties, we will certainly be blessed by God.

We forsake everything to follow Him and we bear resounding witness.

We set our resolve before God, swear on our lives to be loyal till the end.

Through mockery, slander, oppression, and adversity, we will never retreat.

Undergoing the judgment of words and being cleansed, we’ve become new men.

We pursue the truth to gain life. Truly loving God is the greatest happiness.

Previous: 70 Praise God With a God-loving Heart

Next: 72 We Can’t Stop Singing Songs of Love for God

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