Experiential Testimonies Before the Judgment Seat of Christ
Volume 3Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth, carries out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and supplies people with all the truths needed for them to be purified and saved. God’s chosen people have heard the voice of God, been brought before God’s throne, attended the feast of the Lamb, and commenced life with God face-to-face as the people of God in the Age of Kingdom. They have received the watering, shepherding, revelation, and judgment of God’s words, gained a new understanding of God’s work, seen the true fact of their being corrupted by Satan, experienced genuine repentance, and begun to focus on practicing the truth and undergoing a change in disposition, producing various testimonies about the purification of corruption through experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement. The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has made a group of overcomers who, through their personal experiences, bear witness that the judgment of the great white throne in the last days has already begun!
Experiential Testimonies
2The Path to God’s Kingdom Isn’t Always Smooth
3Finally Seeing My Deceitfulness
4The Consequences of Failing to Do Actual Work
5Fellowship Must Be Openhearted
6What Comes of Being Guarded Against God
7Days of Violation and Torture
8Lessons Learned From the Allocation of Churches
9Truth Can’t Be Gained in Religion
10You Must Become Honest to Be Saved
11Should We Live by Traditional Virtues?
13Facing the Suppression of an Honest Report
14Reflections on Following a Person While Believing in God
15Adulterations in My Sacrifices for God
16Seeing Religious Pastors Exposed as Evil Servants
17What Is Hidden Behind Feelings of Inferiority?
18When My Parents Were Cleared Out From the Church
20Envy Is the Rottenness of the Bones
21Unmasking My “Spiritual Parent”
22An Evaluation That Exposed Me
23A Duty Can’t Bear Fruit Without the Principles
24After Everyone but Me Was Promoted
25Oppressed by My Family: A Learning Experience
26Responsibility Is Key to Preaching the Gospel Well
27What I Gained From Being Pruned
28Don’t Let Jealousy Overtake You
29Why Am I Always Putting On an Act?
30Is Amiability an Apt Criterion for Good Humanity?
31I Don’t Need Your Supervision
32Stay True to the Truth, Not Affection
34What Lies Behind Negativity and Slacking Off in Duties
36Tortured for Delivering Books
37A Painful Lesson Learned From Being Slick and Deceitful
38Lessons Learned Through Failures
39The Transaction Behind Paying a Price
42What I Gained From Discerning an Evil Person
43I Believe in God: Why Worship People?
45The Hidden Reasons for Fearing Responsibility
46Willfulness Hurts Others and Yourself
47I Have Seen My Pastor’s True Colors
48Reflections After Getting Lost
49A Proper Attitude Toward One’s Duty
50What Lies Behind Refusing to Be a Leader
52Dismissed: A Wake-up Call I Needed
53God’s Word Eliminated My Defensiveness and Misunderstandings
55The Reality Behind People Pleasers
57I Finally Dared to Report Wrongdoing
59The Importance of the Correct Attitude in Your Duty
61The Consequences of Being a People Pleaser
62How I Reported an Antichrist
63What Was Gained From Reporting
64Is the Whole Bible Given by Inspiration of God?
65A Duty Isn’t a Bargaining Chip for Blessings
67How to Face Difficulties Sharing the Gospel
68The Torture Suffered Behind Bars
70Why Can’t I Stick to the Principles?
71Lack of Knowledge Is No Excuse
72The Path to the Kingdom of Heaven
74The Consequences of Blindly Worshiping a Person
75The Wages of Disguise and Concealment
77Blind Love Is a Terrible Thing
79Understanding What It Means to Be a Good Person
80My Story of Welcoming the Lord
81An Unforgettable Experience of Sharing the Gospel
83Lessons Learned Through a Failure
85Only Wise Virgins Can Welcome the Lord
86Don’t Let Affection Cloud Your Mind
88Why Am I Afraid of Being Outdone?
89The Reflections of a “Good Leader”
92Growing Through Failures and Setbacks
93Why Am I So High and Mighty?
94Relying on God Is the Greatest Wisdom
95Seeing God’s Deeds Through Persecution
96Reflections on Not Promptly Dismissing a False Leader
97How I Changed My Prideful Ways
98The Persecution I’ve Suffered for Faith