311 God’s Chosen People Praise Almighty God


Almighty God has expressed so many truths, God’s sheep have heard His voice.

Ever since then, we’ve attended the banquet of the kingdom of heaven, and seen God appearing and working.

We’ve welcomed God’s appearance, and gained the shepherding of Almighty God’s words.

We’ve been raptured before God, and we praise Almighty God forever.

We praise God for giving us the truth, and for saving us from Satan’s influence!

We will testify for Almighty God forever! We will give thanks to and praise Almighty God forever!


Almighty God has brought us the way of the truth, the judgment of His words has saved us.

The power of God’s words creates miracles; our corruption is cleansed and our disposition is transformed,

enabling us to break free of Satan’s influence and live in the presence of God.

We’ve been raptured before God, and we praise Almighty God forever.

We praise God for giving us the truth, and for saving us from Satan’s influence!

We will testify for Almighty God forever! We will give thanks to and praise Almighty God forever!


The kingdom gospel has spread all over the world, all nations and denominations have been conquered by God’s words.

They all return before God’s throne, and God’s chosen people come to praise Almighty God.

We see God’s marvelous deeds, and prostrate ourselves and worship Almighty God.

We’ve been raptured before God, and we praise Almighty God forever.

We praise God for giving us the truth, and for saving us from Satan’s influence!

We will testify for Almighty God forever! We will give thanks to and praise Almighty God forever!


God’s chosen people praise Almighty God, all the people on earth praise Almighty God.

The angels in heaven praise Almighty God, all who breathe praise Almighty God.

The universe and the skies praise Almighty God, all created beings praise Almighty God.

We’ve been raptured before God, and we praise Almighty God forever.

We praise God for giving us the truth, and for saving us from Satan’s influence!

We will testify for Almighty God forever! We will give thanks to and praise Almighty God forever!

Previous: 310 Closely Following God’s Footsteps

Next: 312 The Millennial Kingdom: God’s Aim

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