321 Following the True God


I follow the true God and His words guide me.

The truths God speaks forth become ever more abundant;

in eating, drinking, and enjoying His words, my heart is brightened.

I give thanks to Almighty God for His selection and salvation!

I follow the true God and His words guide me.

The work of the Holy Spirit hastens step by step,

God arranges situations to train us.

Quieting ourselves before God and seeking the truth bring forth gains.

We follow God and our path becomes ever brighter.

How can one attain salvation if one looks back with a hand on the plow?

We follow God to gain the truth,

proclaiming and testifying to Him is our binding duty.

We follow God and our path becomes ever brighter.

How can one attain salvation if one looks back with a hand on the plow?

We follow God to gain the truth,

proclaiming and testifying to Him is our binding duty.


I follow the true God and His words guide me.

Now is the time when God tests us,

the forces of Satan are still in their death throes.

We rely on God and shall never cower or yield.

I follow the true God and His words guide me.

God’s work is already in its final moment,

duties are to be fulfilled and God’s intentions are to be heeded.

We must dedicate our whole being to God and expend ourselves, so as to testify for Him.

We follow God and our path becomes ever brighter.

Understanding the truth brings true faith.

We follow God and our path becomes ever brighter.

We live before God and praise Him forever.

We follow God and our path becomes ever brighter.

Understanding the truth brings true faith.

We follow God and our path becomes ever brighter.

We live before God and praise Him forever.

Previous: 320 Attending God’s Love Feast Is So Sweet

Next: 322 Only God Is in My Heart

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