320 Attending God’s Love Feast Is So Sweet


Training for the kingdom, we attend God’s love feast; how sweet it is!

Our hearts are joyful, our spirits happy; it’s beautiful beyond words.

After judgment comes understanding of truth, replacing bitterness with sweetness;

the spirit awakens, the heart is bright, knowing God’s love.

O, God’s words are truly wonderful! They cleanse and transform me.

If people do not love God, they have no conscience.

We must consider God’s intentions,

fulfill our duties, and give all our strength.

God fellowships the truth, leading people into reality.

His words of judgment and refinement make me recall;

experiencing God’s words, our minds are renewed and our dispositions changed.

God’s salvation in the last days is immense beyond measure.


His words of judgment, trials, and refinement cleanse man’s corruption.

We follow God to the end, enduring the final suffering;

gaining the truth, being perfected by God, we receive God’s promise.

Having God’s words as a foundation is true human life.

O, God has done much work! At last, the results are achieved.

Not gaining the truth is such a pity.

Sitting at the feast, yet suffering great famine;

that is truly Satan’s mockery.

We accept God’s scrutiny of our words, actions, ideas, and thoughts.

We quickly shed our corrupt, old dispositions.

You and I naturally live out God’s words;

we live in God’s smile.


Training for the kingdom, we attend God’s love feast; it is real and practical.

The great red dragon and antichrists are rendering their final service.

Tribulations and trials are God’s blessings to make His people perfect.

Pray more to understand God’s intentions and bear wonderful testimony.

Brothers and sisters, hey! We must understand:

God has given everything to make man perfect.

His final stage of work brings us into reality.

Bear testimony well to satisfy God’s intentions.

Understanding the truth, having knowledge; we must put it into practice.

Repaying God’s grace and considering His intentions, our hearts are joyous.

Loving God, you and I possess reality and transform into new people;

we loyally fulfill our duty and testify to God.

Previous: 318 Now, My Heart Loves God

Next: 321 Following the True God

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