Relationship With God

10 related media

How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

The Lord requires that we worship God in spirit and in truth, for only in that way can we win His praise. But what exactly does worshiping God in spirit and in truth entail? Does God praise our practices? Here's the answ…

January 3, 2019

God Answers Prayers - 3 Principles We Need to Master

Cheng ShiEditor’s Note: In 2021, larger and larger disasters have been occurring all over the world. During this difficult time, what we should be doing as Christians is praying, repenting, and asking God to give us fait…

September 28, 2018

Learning to Pray: 4 Key Elements of Christian Prayer

How to pray to gain God’s approval is a truth we urgently need to enter into. This essay points out a path for how Christians can pray so that the Lord will hear. We can honestly pray to God from our souls, tell God what…

December 31, 2018

3 Ways of How to Overcome Temptation

As Christians, learning how to recognize Satan’s trickery is critical. So what can we do to enable ourselves to see through Satan’s trickery in the midst of spiritual warfare and stand witness for God?

January 1, 2019

3 Must-Knows for How to Pray Effectively

By Zhang LiangAs Christians, prayer is an indispensable part of our everyday lives, and the most direct way to draw close to God. We all hope that our prayers may be heard by the Lord, but we often do not receive God’s r…

April 5, 2019

I Am Unfit to See Christ

By Huanbao, Liaoning ProvinceSince I first began believing in Almighty God, end-time Christ, I really admired those brothers and sisters who were following along at Christ’s side, who could personally receive Christ’s sh…

March 2, 2015

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