Chapter 19

In people’s imagination, it seems, God is very lofty, and He is unfathomable. It is as though God does not reside among humanity and as though He disdains people because He is so lofty. God, however, smashes people’s notions and eliminates them all, burying them in “tombs” where they turn to ashes. God’s attitude toward humanity’s notions is similar to His attitude toward the dead, defining them at will. It seems “notions” have no reactions; therefore, God has been doing this work from the creation of the world until today, and has never stopped. Because of the flesh, humans are corrupted by Satan, and because of Satan’s actions on earth, humans form all manner of notions in the course of their experiences. This is called “natural formation.” This is the last stage of God’s work on earth, so the method of His work has reached its peak, and He is intensifying His training of people so that they can be made complete in His final work, ultimately satisfying God’s intentions. Before, there were only the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit among humanity, but no words spoken by God Himself. When God spoke with His own voice, everyone was astonished, and today’s words are even more puzzling. Their meaning is even more difficult to fathom, and humans seem to be bedazzled, for fifty percent of His words come between quotation marks. “When I speak, people listen to My voice with rapt attention; when I fall silent, though, they again begin their own ‘enterprises.’” That passage contains a word in quotation marks. The more humor with which God speaks, as He does here, the more they can draw people in to read them. People are able to accept being pruned when they are relaxed. Primarily, though, this is to prevent more people from being discouraged or disappointed when they have not understood God’s words. This is a tactic in God’s war against Satan. Only in this way will people remain interested in God’s words and continue paying attention to them even when they cannot follow their thread. However, there is also great charm in all His words that are not surrounded by quotes, and so they are more noticeable and make people love God’s words even more and feel the sweetness of His words in their own hearts. As God’s words come in a great variety of forms, and are rich and diverse, and because there is no repetition of nouns among the many words of God, in their third sense, people believe that God is always new and never old. For example: “I do not ask people to be mere ‘consumers’; I also ask them to be ‘producers’ who defeat Satan.” The words “consumers” and “producers” in that sentence have similar meanings to some words spoken in times previous, but God is not inflexible; rather, He makes people aware of His freshness and thereby treasure God’s love. The humor in God’s speech contains His judgment and His demands of humanity. As God’s words all have objectives, as they all have meanings, His humor is not simply meant to lighten the atmosphere or make people roar with laughter, nor is it simply meant to relax their muscles. Instead, God’s humor is intended to free humans from five thousand years of bondage, never to be bound again, so that they are better able to accept God’s words. God’s method is to use a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down; He does not force bitter medicine down people’s throats. There is bitterness within the sweet, and also sweetness within the bitter.

“When a faint glimmer of light begins to show in the East, all the people within the universe pay a bit more attention to it. No longer steeped in slumber, humans venture forth to observe the source of this eastern light. Due to their limited capability, no one has yet been able to see the place whence the light originates.” This is happening everywhere in the universe, not only among the sons of God and His people. People in religious circles and nonbelievers all have this reaction. In the moment when God’s light shines out, their hearts all change gradually, and they begin unwittingly to discover that their lives are meaningless, that human life is without value. Humans do not pursue a future, give consideration to tomorrow, or worry about tomorrow; rather, they hold onto the idea that they should eat and drink more while they are still “young,” and that it will all have been worth it once the last day arrives. Humans have no desire whatsoever to govern the world. The vigor of humankind’s love for the world was completely stolen by the “devil,” but nobody knows what the root is. All they can do is run back and forth, informing one another, for God’s day has not yet come. One day, everyone will see the answers to all the unfathomable mysteries. This is exactly what God meant when He said, “Humans rouse from sleep and dream, and only then do they realize that My day has gradually come upon them.” When that time comes, all the people who belong to God will be like green leaves “waiting to play their own part for Me while I am on earth.” So many among God’s people in China still relapse after God utters His voice, and so God says, “yet, powerless to alter the facts, they can do nothing but wait for Me to pronounce sentence.” There will still be some among them to be eliminated—not all will remain unchanged. Rather, people can only meet standard after being put to the test, through which they are issued “certificates of quality”; otherwise, they will become refuse on the scrap heap. God constantly points out the true state of humanity, so people increasingly feel the mysteriousness of God. “If He were not God, how would He be able to know our true state so well?” Nevertheless, because of people’s weakness, “in humans’ hearts, I am neither lofty nor lowly. As far as they are concerned, it makes no difference if I exist or not.” Is this not precisely the state of all people that best fits with reality? As far as humans are concerned, God exists when they seek Him and does not exist when they do not seek Him. In other words, God exists in humans’ hearts the instant they need His help, but when they no longer need Him, He no longer exists. This is what is within people’s hearts. In reality, everybody on earth thinks this way, including all “atheists,” and their “impression” of God is also vague and opaque.

“Therefore, the mountains become boundaries between nations upon the land, the waters become barriers to keep people of different lands apart, and the air becomes that which flows from person to person in the spaces above the earth.” This was the work that God did while creating the world. Mentioning this here is perplexing for people: Could it be that God wants to create another world? It is fair to say this: Every time God speaks, His words contain creation, management, and the destruction of the world; it is just that sometimes they are clear, and sometimes they are vague. All of God’s management is embodied in His words; it is just that people cannot distinguish them. The blessings that God bestows upon humans make their faith grow a hundredfold. From the outside, it seems as though God is making a promise to them, but in essence it is the measure of God’s demands of the people of His kingdom. Those who are fit for use will remain, while those who are not will be swallowed up in a calamity that falls from heaven. “The thunder, rolling across the skies, will strike humans down; the high mountains, as they topple, will bury them; the wild beasts in their hunger will devour them; and the oceans, surging, will close over their heads. As humanity engages in fratricidal conflict, all humans will seek their own destruction in the calamities arising from amongst them.” This is the “special treatment” that will be meted out to those who are not up to standard and who will not afterward be brought salvation in the kingdom of God. The more God says things like, “You will surely, under the guidance of My light, break through the stranglehold of the forces of darkness. You will surely not, in the midst of darkness, lose the guidance of My light,” the more people become aware of their own respectability; as such, they have more faith to seek new life. God provides to humans as they ask of Him. Once God has exposed them to a certain extent, He changes His manner of speech, using a tone of blessing to obtain the best outcome. Making demands of humanity this way yields more practical results. Because people are all willing to talk business with their counterparts—they are all experts in business—this is exactly what God is homing in on in saying this. So, what is “Sinim”? Here God does not refer to the kingdom on earth, which is corrupted by Satan, but rather to an assembly of all the angels who came from God. The words “stand firm and unwavering” imply that the angels will break through all of Satan’s forces, thereby establishing Sinim throughout the entire universe. Thus, the real meaning of Sinim is an assembly of all the angels on earth, and here it refers to those on earth. Therefore, the kingdom that will exist afterward on earth will be called “Sinim,” and not the “kingdom.” There is no real meaning to the “kingdom” on earth; it is, in essence, Sinim. Thus, only upon linking them to the definition of Sinim can one know the true meaning of the words, “You will surely radiate My glory throughout the entire universe.” This demonstrates the ranking of all people on earth in the future. The people of Sinim will all be kings who govern all peoples on earth after they have suffered chastisement. Everything on earth will operate normally because of the management of the people of Sinim. This is nothing more than a rough sketch of the situation. All humans will remain within the kingdom of God, meaning that they will be left in Sinim. Humans on earth will be able to communicate with the angels. As such, heaven and earth will be connected; or, in other words, all people on earth will submit to and love God as the angels in heaven do. At that time, God will appear openly to all people on earth and allow them to see His true face with their naked eyes, and He will reveal Himself to them at any time.

Previous: Chapter 18

Next: Chapter 20

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