Chapter 13

God loathes all the descendants of the great red dragon, and He hates the great red dragon itself even more: This is the source of the wrath within God’s heart. It seems that God wishes to cast all things belonging to the great red dragon into the lake of fire and brimstone to incinerate them. There are even times when it seems God would like to extend His hand to personally wipe the great red dragon out—only that could erase the abhorrence in His heart. Every single person in the house of the great red dragon is a beast without humanity, and this is the reason God strongly suppressed His anger to say the following: “Among all My people, and among all My sons, that is, among the ones that I have chosen out of the whole human race, you belong to the lowest group.” God has begun a decisive battle with the great red dragon in its own country, and He will destroy it when His plan comes to fruition, and will no longer allow it to corrupt mankind or ravage their souls. Every day, God calls out to His slumbering people to save them, yet they are all in a dazed state, as though they have taken sleeping pills. If God ceases to rouse them even for a moment, they will return to their state of sleep, completely oblivious. It seems that all of His people are two-thirds paralyzed. They do not know their own needs or their own deficiencies, nor even what they should wear or what they should eat. This suffices to show that the great red dragon has put forth a great deal of effort to corrupt people. Its ugliness extends throughout every region of China, and it has perturbed people such that they are unwilling to stay any longer in this decadent, vulgar country. What God hates most is the great red dragon’s substance, which is why He, in His wrath, gives people reminders every day, and they live every day under His wrathful eye. Even so, most people still do not know to seek God; instead, they sit there, watching, waiting to be hand fed. Even if they were starving to death, they would still not be willing to find their own food. The conscience of man was long ago corrupted by Satan and has changed in essence to one of cold-heartedness. It is no wonder that God said, “Had I not prompted you, you would still not have awakened, but would have remained as if frozen, and again, as if in hibernation.” It is as if people were hibernating animals, passing the winter without a need for food or drink; this is precisely the current condition of God’s people. For just this reason, God demands only that people come to know God incarnate Himself in the light; He does not demand that people change a great deal, nor that they have great growth in their life. That would be enough to defeat the dirty, filthy great red dragon, thereby manifesting God’s great power all the more.

When people read God’s words, they understand only their literal meaning, and are incapable of comprehending their spiritual significance. The mere words, “the roiling waves,” have baffled every hero and champion. When God’s wrath is displayed, are His words, actions, and disposition not the roiling waves? When God judges all mankind, is this not a revelation of His wrath? Is this not the time those roiling waves come into force? Because of their corruption, who among man does not live in the midst of such roiling waves? In other words, who does not live amidst God’s wrath? When God wishes to visit catastrophe upon mankind, is that not when people see the “tumbling welter of dark clouds”? What person does not flee from catastrophe? God’s wrath rains down like a heavy downpour and blows people about like a fierce wind. People are all purified through God’s words as if met with a swirling snowstorm. God’s words are hardest for mankind to fathom. Through His words, He created the world, and through His words, He leads and purifies all mankind. And in the end, God will restore the entire universe to purity through His words. It can be seen in everything He says that the existence of the Spirit of God is not hollow, and it is only in His words that people can catch a glimpse of how to survive. All people treasure His words, for they contain provision for life. The more people concentrate on God’s words, the more questions God poses to them—questions that confound them and leave them without a chance to answer. God’s successive questions alone are enough for people to ponder for quite a while, let alone the rest of His words. In God, all is truly full and abundant, and there is nothing lacking. However, people cannot enjoy much of it; they know only the surface of His words, like one who sees a chicken’s skin but cannot eat its meat. This means that people have a dearth in fortune, such that they cannot enjoy God. Each person has, among their notions, their own image of God, which is why no one knows what the vague God is, or what the image of Satan is. Therefore, when God said, “For what you believe in is merely Satan’s image and has nothing whatever to do with God Himself,” all were struck dumb: They had had faith for so many years, yet they did not know that what they believed in was Satan, not God Himself. They felt a sudden void inside, but they did not know what to say. They then began to grow confused again. Only by working in this manner can people better accept the new light and thereby deny the things of old. No matter how good those things may seem, they will not do. It is more beneficial for people to understand the practical God Himself; this enables them to rid their hearts of the status their notions hold there, and allow only God Himself to occupy them. Only in this way can the significance of the incarnation be achieved, which enables people to know the practical God Himself with their physical eyes.

God has told people about the situation of the spiritual realm many times: “When Satan comes before Me, I do not recoil from its wild ferocity, nor am I frightened by its hideousness: I simply ignore it.” What people have taken from this is only a condition of reality; they do not know the truth of the spiritual realm. Because God has become flesh, Satan has employed every sort of accusation, hoping thus to attack God. However, God does not retreat; He simply speaks and works among mankind, allowing people to know Him through His incarnate flesh. Satan is red-eyed with fury at this, and has exerted much effort to make God’s people negative, retreat, and even lose their way. However, due to the effect of God’s words, Satan has failed completely, which adds to its ferocity. Therefore, God reminds everyone, “In your lives, there may come a day when you will meet with such a situation: Would you willingly allow yourself to fall captive to Satan, or will you let Me obtain you?” Although people are not aware of what occurs in the spiritual realm, as soon as they hear such words from God, they become cautious and afraid. This beats back Satan’s attacks, sufficing to show God’s glory. Despite having entered into a new method of work long ago, people are still unclear about life in the kingdom, and even if they do understand it, they lack clarity. Therefore, after issuing a warning to people, God introduced to them the essence of life in the kingdom: “Life in the kingdom is the life of the people and God Himself.” Because God Himself has been incarnated in the flesh, the life of the third heaven has been realized on earth. This is not merely God’s plan—He has made it come to pass. As time goes by, people come to know God Himself better, and thus are they more able to taste the life of heaven, for they genuinely feel that God is on earth, rather than only a vague God in heaven. Thus, life on earth is like that in heaven. The reality is that God incarnate tastes the bitterness of the human world, and the more He is able to do so, the more it proves that He is the practical God Himself. Therefore, the words, “In My dwelling place, which is the place where I am hidden—nevertheless, in My dwelling place, I have defeated all My enemies; in My dwelling place, I have gained real experience of living on earth; in My dwelling place, I am observing man’s every word and action, and watching over and conducting the whole of the human race” are sufficient proof of the fact that the God of today is practical. Actually living within the flesh, actually experiencing human life within the flesh, actually understanding all of humanity within the flesh, actually conquering mankind within the flesh, actually waging a decisive battle against the great red dragon within the flesh, and doing all of God’s work within the flesh—is this not the very existence of the practical God Himself? Yet very seldom are there people who see the message in these ordinary lines spoken by God; they merely skim through them, and do not feel the preciousness or rarity of God’s words.

God’s words transition especially well. The phrase, “as mankind lies comatose,” takes a description of God Himself and alters it into a description of the state of all mankind. Here, “blasts of cold radiance” does not represent the lightning of the East; rather, it means God’s words, meaning His new method of doing work. So, one can see in this all sorts of human dynamics: After entering into the new method, all people lose their sense of direction, and know not from where they have come nor where they are going. “Most people are struck by the laser-like beams” refers to those who are eliminated in the new method; they are those who cannot withstand the trials or bear the refinement of suffering, and are therefore cast once more into the bottomless pit. God’s words expose mankind to an extent that people seem afraid when they see God’s words, and they dare not say anything, as if they had seen a machine gun aimed at their hearts. However, they also feel that there are good things in God’s words. There is great conflict in their hearts, and they do not know what they should do. Because of their faith, however, they merely steel themselves and delve deeper into His words, for fear that God might abandon them. Just as God said, “Who among mankind does not exist in this state? Who does not exist within My light? Even if you are strong, or though you may be weak, how can you avoid the coming of My light?” If God uses someone, then even if they are weak, God will still illuminate and enlighten them in His chastisement; so, the more people read God’s words, the more they understand Him, the more they fear Him, and the less they dare to be reckless. That people have come to where they are today is entirely due to God’s great power. It is because of the authority of His words—that is, it is a result of the Spirit in His words—that people are afraid of God. As God reveals the true face of mankind, the more they fear Him, and thus do they become more certain of the reality of His existence. This is a beacon on mankind’s path to understanding God, a trail He has given them. Think about it carefully: Is this not so?

Is what is told above not the beacon ahead of mankind that lights his way?

Previous: Chapter 12

Next: Chapter 14

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