Chapter 27

Today, God’s words have reached their pinnacle, which is to say, the second part of the era of judgment has reached its peak. But this is not the highest peak. At this time, God’s tone has changed—it is neither mocking nor humorous, and it is neither chastening nor scolding; God has lightened the tone of His words. Now, God begins to “exchange sentiments” with man. God is both continuing the work of the era of judgment and at the same time opening up the path of the next section of work, so that all sections of His work are intertwined with each other. On the one hand, He speaks of man’s “obduracy and recidivism,” and on the other, He speaks of “the joys and sorrows of being sundered from and then reunited with man”—all of which provoke a reaction in people’s hearts, moving even the most benumbed of human hearts. God’s aim in saying these words is primarily to make all people fall down without a sound before God at the very end, and only afterward “do I make My actions manifest, making everyone know Me through their own failure.” In this period, the people’s knowledge of God remains entirely superficial; it is not true knowledge. Though they try as hard as they can, they are incapable of meeting God’s intentions. Today, God’s words have reached their zenith, but people remain in the early stages, and are thus incapable of entering into the utterances of the here and now—this shows that God and man are as different as it is possible to be. On the basis of this comparison, when the words of God come to an end, people will only be capable of attaining the lowest standards of God. This is the means by which God works in these people who have been utterly corrupted by the great red dragon, and God must work thus in order to achieve the optimal effect. The people of the churches pay a little more attention to God’s words, but God’s intention is that they might know God in His words—is there not a difference? However, as things stand, God is no longer mindful of man’s weakness, and carries on speaking regardless of whether people are able to accept His words or not. In accordance with His intention, when His words end, that will be the time when His work on earth shall be completed. But the work at this time is unlike the past. When God’s utterances come to an end, no one will know; when God’s work comes to an end, no one will know; and when God’s form changes, no one will know. Such is the wisdom of God. To avoid any accusations made by Satan and any disturbance from hostile forces, God works without anyone knowing, and at this time there is no reaction among the people of earth. Though the signs of God’s transfiguration were once spoken of, no one is able to perceive it, for man has forgotten, and he pays no attention to it. Due to attacks from both inside and out—the disasters of the external world and the burning and cleansing of God’s words—people are no longer willing to toil for God, because they are too busy with their own affairs. When all people reach a point of denying the knowledge and pursuit of the past, when all people have seen themselves clearly, then they will fail and their own self will no longer have a place in their hearts. Only then will people sincerely long for the words of God, only then will God’s words truly have a place in their hearts, and only then will God’s words have become the source of their existence—at this moment, God’s intentions shall be satisfied. But the people of today are a long way from reaching this point. Some of them have barely moved an inch, and thus God says this is “recidivism.”

All of God’s words contain many questions. Why does God keep asking such questions? “Why can people not repent and be born again? Why are they forever willing to live in the swamp instead of a place free of mud? …” In the past, God worked by means of directly pointing things out or direct exposure. But after people had suffered tremendous pain, God no longer spoke in this way directly. Within these questions, people both see their own deficiencies and they grasp the path to practice. Because people all like to eat what is readily available, God speaks as befits their demands, providing them with topics to ponder so that they may ponder them. This is one aspect of the significance of God’s questions. Naturally, this is not the significance of some of His other questions, for example: Could it be that I have mistreated them? Could it be that I have pointed them in the wrong direction? Could it be that I am leading them to hell? Questions like these show the notions lodged in the depths of people’s hearts. Although their mouths do not give voice to these notions, there is doubt within most of their hearts, and they believe that God’s words portray them as totally without merit. Naturally, such people do not know themselves, but ultimately they will admit defeat by God’s words—this is inevitable. Following these questions, God also says, “I intend to smash all nations to smithereens, to say nothing of the family of man.” When people accept the name of God, all nations will shake as a result, people will gradually change their mentality, and in families the relationships between father and son, mother and daughter and husband and wife shall cease to exist. Furthermore, the relationships between people in families will become ever more estranged; they will join the great family, and the regular conventions of the lives of almost all families shall be torn apart. Because of this, the concept of “family” in people’s hearts will become increasingly obscure.

Why, in God’s words of today, has so much been devoted to “exchanging sentiments” with people? Naturally, this is also in order to achieve a certain effect, from which it may be seen that God’s heart is filled with anxiety. God says, “When I am sad, who can comfort Me with their hearts?” God says these words because His heart is overcome with grief. People are incapable of showing complete consideration for God’s intentions, and they are always dissolute, they cannot hold themselves in check, and they do as they please; they are too lowly, and they always forgive themselves and are not considerate of God’s intentions. But because people have been corrupted by Satan right up until today, and are incapable of freeing themselves, God says: “How can they escape the jaws of the ravening wolf? How can they free themselves from its threats and its temptations?” People live in the flesh, which is to live in the mouth of the ravenous wolf. Because of this, and because people have no self-awareness and are always indulging themselves and giving in to debauchery, God cannot help but feel anxious. The more God reminds people thus, the better they feel in their hearts, and the more they become willing to engage with God. Only then will man and God relate harmoniously to one another, without any separation or distance between them. Today, all mankind awaits the arrival of God’s day, and so mankind has never moved forward. Yet God says: “When the Sun of righteousness appears, the East will be illuminated, and then it will in turn illuminate the whole universe, reaching everyone.” In other words, when God changes His form, the East will be illuminated first and the nation of the East will be the first to be supplanted, after which the remaining countries shall be renewed from south to north. This is the order, and all will be in accordance with God’s words. Once this phase has finished, all people shall see. It is according to this order that God works. When they behold this day, people will be overjoyed. It can be seen from God’s urgent intention that this day is not far off.

In the words spoken here today, the second and third parts provoke tears of anguish in all those who love God. Their hearts are immediately shrouded in shadow, and thenceforth all people are filled with tremendous sorrow because of God’s heart. They will feel no comfort until after God finishes His work on earth. This is the general trend. “Anger rises within My heart, accompanied by a surging feeling of sorrow. When My eyes behold people’s deeds and their every word and action as filthy, My rage wells up, and in My heart there is a greater sense of the injustices of the human world, which makes Me more sorrowful; I long to end man’s flesh right away. I know not why man is incapable of cleansing himself in the flesh, why man cannot love himself in the flesh. Could it be that the ‘function’ of the flesh is so great?” In God’s words today, God has publicly disclosed all of the anxiety within His heart to man, without holding anything back. When the angels of the third heaven play music for Him, God still longs for the people on earth, and it is because of this that He says, “When the angels play music in praise of Me, this cannot but stir up My sympathy for man. My heart is instantly filled with sadness, and it is impossible to rid Myself of this painful emotion.” It is for this reason that God says the words: “I will correct the injustices of the human world. I will do My work with My own hands throughout the world, forbidding Satan from harming My people again, forbidding the enemies from doing whatever they please again. I will become King on earth and move My throne there, making all My enemies fall to the ground and confess their crimes before Me.” God’s sadness increases His hatred for devils, and thus He reveals to the masses in advance how the devils will end. This is the work of God. God has always wished to be reunited with all people and to bring the old age to a close. All people throughout the universe are beginning to move—that is to say, all people in the cosmos are entering the guidance of God. As a result, their thoughts turn to revolting against their emperors. Before long, the people of the world will erupt into chaos and the heads of all countries will flee in every direction, ultimately being hauled to the guillotine by their people. This is the final end of the kings of devils; ultimately, none of them will be able to escape, and they all must pass through it. Today, those who are “clever” have begun to step back. Seeing that the situation is not promising, they use this opportunity to back down and escape the hardships of catastrophe. But I say plainly, the work that God does during the last days is chiefly the chastisement of man, so how could these people possibly escape? Today is the first step. One day, everything in the universe shall fall into the tumult of war; the people of earth will never again have leaders, the whole world will be like a pile of loose sand, governed by no one, and people will care only for their own lives, heedless of anyone else, for everything is controlled by God’s hand—this is why God says, “All humanity is breaking up the sundry nations according to My intentions.” The sounding of angels’ trumpets of which God speaks now are a sign—they are ringing the alarm bell for man, and when the trumpets sound once again, the world’s last day will have arrived. At that time, God’s entire chastisement will befall earth in its entirety; this will be heartless judgment, and the official start of the era of chastisement. Among the Israelites, there will often be God’s voice to lead them through different environments, and so too will the angels appear to them. The Israelites will be made complete in just a few months, and because they will not have to undergo the step of removing themselves from the great red dragon’s venom, it will be easy for them to enter onto the right track under various kinds of guidance. From the developments in Israel can be seen the state of the entire universe, and this shows just how quick the steps of God’s work are. “The time has come! I will put My work in motion, I will reign as King among men!” In the past, God only reigned in heaven. Today, He reigns on earth; God has taken back all of His authority, and so it is foretold that all mankind shall never again live a normal human life, for God shall reorder heaven and earth, and no man is allowed to interfere. Thus, God often reminds man that “the time has come.” When the Israelites have all returned to their country—on the day that the country of Israel has been entirely recovered—God’s great work will be complete. Without anyone realizing, people across the universe will revolt, and nations throughout the universe will fall like the stars in heaven; in an instant, they will collapse in ruins. After dealing with them, God shall build the kingdom beloved of His heart.

Previous: Chapter 26

Next: Chapter 28

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