34 Around the Throne, Dance Around


Christ of the last days has appeared,

the kingdom of heaven has come to earth.

God incarnate has expressed the truth and opened the scroll,

this is the Word appearing in the flesh.

God’s words have such authority,

they conquer all nations and peoples, revealing His majesty.

Praise Him, all praises to Him, all are dancing with joy!

We dance around His throne, dance around His throne.

Having heard God’s voice, we have been lifted up before His throne,

and have attended the Lamb’s wedding banquet.

We enjoy His words every day,

living before God brings great joy.

We have escaped from darkness and gained freedom,

the more we dance, the more we rejoice,

the more we dance, the more we rejoice.


We come before God and accept the training of the kingdom.

We undergo the judgment and refinement of God’s words,

and our life dispositions are transformed.

We gain God’s salvation and bask in His love, this is God’s grace.

Praise Him, all praises to Him, all are dancing with joy!

We dance around His throne, dance around His throne.

Heaven and earth rejoice, the stars dance and the moon smiles,

birds in the trees chirp.

We live out a new life, our gratitude knows no end.

We loyally perform our duty,

pursue the truth, and bear witness to God.


The kingdom of righteousness has appeared, God’s words rule on earth.

We’ve been through oppression and tribulations,

and hate the great red dragon with all our hearts.

We are steadfastly resolved to follow Christ forever.

God’s words have conquered the world, all nations worship Almighty God.

We sing His praises!

Praise Him, all praises to Him, all are dancing with joy!

We dance around His throne, dance around His throne.

God has made a group of overcomers, His great work is successful.

He has fully shamed Satan and devils!

God’s will has been carried out on earth as in heaven.

All people bear witness to God,

the kingdom is realized on earth!

Previous: 33 Praise Almighty God’s Victory

Next: 35 Get Up and Dance for God

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