84 I Am Willing to Love God More Deeply


I love God from the bottom of my heart, and I’ll never part from Him again.

God’s love has melted my heart, I understand His good intentions.

I understand God’s heart and I understand His love, I know God’s love is deep and strong.

From now on I’ll never misunderstand God, I’ll regain the love of God that I lost.


I love God from the bottom of my heart, and I’ll never part from Him again.

I regret my true love is limited, while God’s love is so real.

To save people, He comes to this filthy land and gives man the way of eternal life.

He gives His whole heart to mankind; now I know God’s love is most precious and great.


I love God from the bottom of my heart, and I’ll never part from Him again.

Hardships and refinements mean nothing, I’d endure more.

Love for God is not begotten by blessings. Without suffering, there’s no real love.

God’s love is so real and true; even if I suffer and sacrifice all, I don’t deserve it.


I love God from the bottom of my heart, and I’ll never part from Him again.

Now I’ve gained Him, I mustn’t lose Him, for I fear I may not find Him again.

I’ll never forget God’s kindness, His love, or His commissions and arrangements.

God uplifts me so much; even if I must die, I will repay His love.

Previous: 81 Oh, God! I Cannot Be Without You

Next: 86 It Is Almighty God Who Saves Me

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