153 Our Joy at God’s Salvation


We sing and dance! We joyful people with fervent hearts.

Receiving Your salvation, we offer up our hearts,

we praise You with loud voices, with loud voices

and we dance in joy for You.

We bestir ourselves to pursue the truth.

We are no longer negative,

and our hearts are liberated and set free.

We are no longer negative,

and our hearts are liberated and set free.

We open our hearts, follow the rhythm,

hand in hand, heart to heart.

We open our hearts, follow the rhythm,

we want You to feel our joy.

We don’t want to cause You any more heartache.


We open our hearts, move our arms in dance.

Who stirs our hearts? For whom do our tears run?

Your judgment cleanses us

and we are moved to tears, we are moved to tears.

We welcome hope with open arms.

We practice the truth, seek to love God,

live for God; sorrow slowly falls away.

God is merciful, He sows the seeds of love.

We, being dust, become good fruit.

God is merciful, He sows the seeds of love.

Corrupt mankind is so favored

and enjoys such great salvation.


Oh, Almighty God! You love us so!

In this life, we live only for You.

Though trials bring us pain, Your love is with us.

We will follow You till the very end.

We practice the truth, loyal and submissive;

we don’t want to make You worry about us.

In this life, we live only for You.

We’ll dedicate ourselves to You

till our very last breath, till our very last breath.

In this life, we live only for You.

Such wonderful songs,

such joyful dance, only for You.

In this life, we live only for You.

In this life, we live only for You.

Such wonderful songs, such joyful dance, only for You.

Previous: 152 Sweet Love

Next: 155 All Nations Come to Your Light

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