308 God Is About to Return to Zion

God is about to return to Zion, henceforth we will be separated by heaven and earth.

I recall these many years of following God; I owe Him so much.

Though I did my duties daily, rising early and staying up late, busy and hurried,

my disposition hasn’t changed much, and I never gave God any comfort.

I remember how many times I rushed about and toiled for fame and profit.

Everything I did and thought was all for myself.

I hate that I was too intransigent and rebellious, not pursuing the truth at all.

I understood many words and doctrines, yet I lacked true repentance.

I have truly broken God’s heart; I am ashamed to see His face again.

Believing in God till now without changing, I will surely be spurned by God.

But time once past cannot return; my heart is in pain and agony.

I wish I could live once more, live like a human to comfort God’s heart.

Previous: 307 Almighty God Truly Loves Me

Next: 310 Closely Following God’s Footsteps

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