315 We Offer Up Our Sincere Hearts


We brothers and sisters gather together happily; singing and praising God brings us the greatest joy.

God doesn’t care if we sing well or not, He likes it when we offer up our sincerity.

We enjoy God’s love, so we should praise Him; we feel joy when we praise Him with all our hearts.

We enjoy God’s love, so we should praise Him; we feel joy when we praise Him with all our hearts.


We understand the truth, so we must thank God; we ought to sing and dance to praise Him.

Sincerely praising God is accepted by Him, and it satisfies His intentions.

Sincerely praising Him liberates our spirits, and we receive His grace.

Sincerely praising Him liberates our spirits, and we receive His grace.


Brothers and sisters, hurry to praise God! Reading God’s words, we understand the truth.

His words judge and cleanse us, and now we live the life of the kingdom.

We are more blessed than any king, we wouldn’t trade it for all the treasures on earth.

We are more blessed than any king, we wouldn’t trade it for all the treasures on earth.


Since we love God, we can praise Him, and offer up our sincere hearts.

We are lucky to follow Almighty God; this is all God’s grace and blessings.

God’s chosen people all come to praise Him; Almighty God deserves this glory and praise.

God’s chosen people all come to praise Him; Almighty God deserves this glory and praise.

Previous: 314 The Most Lovely One in Our Eyes

Next: 316 We Brothers and Sisters Praise God

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