329 Praise Almighty God’s Salvation


Sing, sing! Sing a new song; we’ve heard God’s voice.

Eating and drinking God’s words is truly joyous, understanding the truth pleases our hearts.

Our life disposition is changed, allowing us to live before God.

The church life is truly blissful, we gain the truth and attain God’s salvation.

We’ve enjoyed God’s love, and we proclaim and bear witness to Almighty God.


Hurry! Hurry! Keep up; Christ of the last days has appeared.

Hurry and keep up with God’s footsteps; the Son of man of the last days has arrived.

What a pity to be abandoned for coveting the fleshly pleasures!

The key is to do our duty well; understanding the truth yields enjoyment.

We’ve enjoyed God’s love, and we proclaim and bear witness to Almighty God.


Hey! Hey! Brothers and sisters, pursuing the truth is of the highest import.

When we accept judgment and pruning, we see God’s blessings.

Our corrupt dispositions must be cleansed for us to truly submit to God.

Gaining the truth gives us new life; being saved by God is truly a blessing.

We’ve enjoyed God’s love, and we proclaim and bear witness to Almighty God.


Hey! Hey! God’s people, we are so blessed to know Almighty God.

We’ve seen His righteous disposition, and developed God-fearing hearts.

We’ve experienced His almightiness and wisdom, and given out our true praises.

To be able to bear witness for our God is God’s grace and blessing.

We’ve enjoyed God’s love, and we proclaim and bear witness to Almighty God.


Hurry! Hurry! Stride forth, God’s work is rapidly progressing.

We will follow Christ unto death; God has gained a group of people.

We have borne witness amid adversity, shaming Satan, the great red dragon!

We have forsaken everything to follow God, and bear a resounding testimony to please Him.

We’ve enjoyed God’s love, and we proclaim and bear witness to Almighty God.


Look! Look! God has won; each of His words has come to pass.

Satan has been thoroughly shamed and defeated, the great red dragon has been toppled.

God’s people burst with joy; Almighty God has been glorified.

The great disasters have destroyed the old age; God’s kingdom has appeared.

We’ve enjoyed God’s love, and we praise Almighty God to our hearts’ content.

Previous: 328 Brothers and Sisters Sing New Songs

Next: 330 Almighty God Has Guided Us to Today

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