337 So Much Love Is Contained in God’s Judgment


So much has come to pass, and each moment runs through my head one by one.

I only hate the depths of my corruption, which makes God worry about me.

I reflect on my words and actions, all of them in rebellion against God.

I have been selfish in every way, from how I dress, to how I eat, live, and even think;

every single motion and glance contains my personal motives.

Only through the exposure of God’s words do I know myself, I lack any semblance of a human.


God created man so that He could gain them and make them manifest Him,

but with man living out only the semblance of Satan, how can God not be wounded?

We are so corrupt, yet God has not given up on saving us.

God waits for us to change and we cannot continue in our rebelliousness.

God has suffered such pain and poured out His life for us,

and our hearts have gradually come to melt and change beneath His love.


God incarnated to save mankind, to establish an exemplar in all respects.

All that God does is for us and we cannot let Him down.

God’s chastisement and judgment contain so much of His love.

His love contains His wrath, and within His wrath is righteousness.

God has fully revealed His disposition to the people of the last days.

We have thus received great salvation and are the most fortunate people.

God is about to return to Zion, and it is not known when we will meet again.

My attachment to God is nearly beyond words and my love for Him will last forever.

Previous: 334 I Swear to Follow God to My Death

Next: 339 How Glorious It Is to Be an Overcomer

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