
Almighty God says, “For the sake of your fate, you should seek the approval of God. This is to say, since you acknowledge that you are a member of the house of God, you ought then to bring peace of mind to God and satisfy Him in all things. You must, in other words, be principled in your actions and conform to the truth in them. If this is beyond you, then you shall be detested and rejected by God and spurned by every man. Once you have fallen into such a predicament, you cannot then be counted among the house of God, which is precisely what it is meant by not being approved of by God” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Three Admonitions). This section of God’s words elucidates an important truth: In your belief in God, if you want Him to approve of you, you must become able to “bring peace of mind to God and satisfy Him in all things. You must, in other words, be principled in your actions and conform to the truth in them.” Only this is the standard of being saved and perfected in your belief in God.

This book lists the one hundred and seventy principles of practicing the truth, and touches upon various aspects of putting the truth into practice when believing in God. These are very beneficial for the life entry of God’s chosen ones. If, in your life experience, you can learn to utilize these 170 principles, then you will have an easy time practicing the truth. Most of these principles can be boiled down to four—not perfectly, but as long as you can practice the truth in this manner, you can get to where you are acting according to principle. As people’s experience deepens, they can glean principles that are even more concrete, accurate, and perfect; this is the path of entering truth reality.


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