6. How to discern the character of antichrists

Words of Almighty God of the Last Days

The first manifestation of the character of antichrists is habitual lying, which we’ll categorize as a demonic nature. The manifestation of this demonic nature is that regardless of when or where, no matter the occasion or with whom they interact, the words that such people say are akin to what the serpent and demons say—unworthy of trust. One must be especially cautious and discerning with such people, not hastily believing the words of demons. The specific manifestation of their habitual lying is that lies just roll off their tongues; the words they speak cannot withstand deliberation, analysis, or discernment. They can lie at any time, and they believe that in all matters they cannot say anything truthful, that everything they say must be a lie. Even if you ask them about their age, they consider this, thinking, “What do they mean asking about my age? If I say I’m old, will they look down on me and not cultivate me? If I say I’m young, will they look down on me, saying I lack experience? How should I respond?” Even with such a simple matter, they can still lie and refuse to tell you the truth, even turning the question back on you and asking, “What do you think?” You say, “Fifty years old?” “Close.” “Forty-five?” “Getting warmer.” Do they provide you with an accurate answer? Through their responses, do you know how old they are? (No.) That is habitual lying.

There is another manifestation of antichrists habitually lying, that is, they even lie while bearing witness. Bearing false witness is a cursed act that offends God’s disposition. Even in the matter of bearing witness, they dare to engage in fabrication, lies, and trickery, which really shows their reckless disregard for consequences and their unchanging nature! When they see that others bear witness based on experience and understanding while they can’t, they copy them, saying whatever other people say and fabricating the same experiences that others have had. If they don’t understand something as others do, they claim they do. If they lack such experiences, understanding, and enlightenment, they insist that they possess them. Even if God hasn’t disciplined them, they insist that He has. Even in this matter they can lie and counterfeit, showing no concern or interest regardless of how severe the consequences may be. Isn’t this habitual lying? Furthermore, people like this will trick anyone. Some may wonder, “In any case, antichrists are still people: Wouldn’t they refrain from tricking those closest to them, those who have helped them, or those who have shared hardships with them? Wouldn’t they avoid tricking family members?” Saying that they habitually lie implies that they can trick anyone, even their parents, children, and, of course, their brothers and sisters. In matters both great and small they can trick people, even in matters where they should speak truthfully, where doing so wouldn’t carry any consequences or affect them in any way, and where there isn’t any need to apply wisdom. They also trick people and use lies to resolve small matters that to outsiders do not warrant lying, where it would be simple, no trouble at all, for them to speak straightforwardly. Isn’t this habitual lying? Habitual lying can be said to be one of the primary manifestations of devils and Satan. From this perspective, can’t we say that the humanity of antichrists is not only dishonest, but also marked by habitually lying, making it unreliable? (Yes, we can.) If such individuals commit a wrongdoing, then shed tears after being pruned and criticized by the brothers and sisters, claiming on the surface to be indebted to God, and promising future repentance, do you dare believe them? (No.) Why not? The most compelling evidence is that they habitually lie! Even if they outwardly repent, weep bitterly, beat their chests, and swear, do not believe them, because they are shedding crocodile tears, tears to trick people. The sad and remorseful words they utter are not heartfelt; they are expedient tactics designed to gain people’s trust through fraudulent means. In front of people, they weep bitterly, admit fault, swear, and make their position known. However, those who have a good relationship with them in private, those whom they relatively trust, report a different story. While publicly admitting fault and swearing to change their ways may seem genuine on the surface, what they say behind the scenes proves that what they said before was not true but false, designed to pull the wool over more people’s eyes. What will they say behind the scenes? Will they acknowledge that what they said before was false? No, they won’t. They will spread negativity, present arguments, and justify themselves. This justification and arguing confirms that their admissions, repentance, and oaths were all false, meant to trick people. Can such individuals be trusted? Isn’t this habitual lying? They can even fabricate confessions, falsely shed tears and pledge to change their ways, and even their swearing is a lie. Isn’t this a demonic nature? Even if they were to say, “I only understand this much; the rest I do not know, and I seek God’s enlightenment and hope for the help of the brothers and sisters in order to gradually gain understanding,” this would be an honest attitude and statement. However, antichrists absolutely cannot utter such truthful words. They feel that, “Speaking truthfully would make people look down on me: I would lose face and would feel degraded—wouldn’t my prestige be completely forfeited? Who am I? Can I admit defeat? Even if I don’t understand, I must pretend to understand very well; I must trick people and solidify my position in their hearts first.” Isn’t this a manifestation of antichrists? From the source and way in which antichrists speak, as well as the words that they utter, it is clear that such people will never be honest; it is beyond them. Because habitual lying is inherent to their character, they want to trick people and conceal matters in everything, not wanting anyone to know or see the true facts or actual situation. Their innermost being is terribly dark. This aspect of antichrists’ character can be reliably defined as lacking humanity and possessing a demonic nature. Lies slide effortlessly off their tongues, without thought, to the extent that they don’t even say anything true when they talk in their sleep—it is all trickery, all lies. This is habitual lying.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

How do antichrists manifest their insidiousness and ruthlessness? (In their ability to fabricate lies and frame others.) Fabricating lies and framing others involve both habitually lying and being insidious and ruthless; these two traits are closely linked. For example, if they commit a misdeed and don’t want to take responsibility, they create an illusory appearance, tell lies, and make people believe it was someone else’s doing, not their own. They shift the blame onto someone else, making them bear the consequences. This is not only wicked and vile, but it is even more insidious and ruthless. What are some other manifestations of antichrists’ insidiousness and ruthlessness? (They can torment, attack, and retaliate against people.) Being able to torment people is ruthless. Anyone who poses a threat to their status, reputation, or prestige, or anyone who is unfavorable to them, they will go to great lengths to attack and retaliate against them. Sometimes, they may even use others to harm people—this is insidiousness and ruthlessness. In short, the phrase “insidious and ruthless” indicates that antichrists are particularly malicious. The way they treat and interact with people is not based on conscience, and they don’t live in harmony on equal standing with them; instead, at every turn they seek to exploit, control, and manipulate others for their own use. Their approach to interacting with others is not normal or straightforward; instead, they use certain means and methods to mislead people, exploit them, and weaponize them subtly, without their awareness. In their treatment of anyone, regardless of whether it appears good or bad on the surface, there is no sincerity whatsoever. They draw near to those whom they find useful and distance themselves from those they deem useless, not paying any attention to them. Even toward relatively guileless or vulnerable individuals, they think up ways to use various means and methods to mislead and ensnare them, making them useful to themselves. But when people are weak, in difficulty, or in need of assistance, antichrists simply turn a blind eye and are indifferent to them. They never show love or offer help to such people; on the contrary, they tend to bully, mislead, and even think of ways to exploit them all the more. If they are unable to exploit them, they cast them aside, and show no love or sympathy for them—is there any trace of kindness in this? Is this not a manifestation of malice? The method and philosophy with which antichrists interact with people is to use schemes and strategies to exploit and trick people, making people unable to see through them, yet willing to slave away for them and be always at their beck and call. They can bully and torment those who discern them and can no longer be exploited by them. They can even casually assign blame to those people, causing the brothers and sisters to abandon them, and then they expel those people or clear them out. In short, antichrists are insidious and ruthless, utterly devoid of kindness and sincerity. They never genuinely help others, displaying no sympathy or love when others face difficulties. In their interactions, they scheme for their own benefit and advantage. Regardless of who approaches them or seeks help in difficulty, they are always making calculations about that person, thinking in their hearts: “If I help this person, what use can I derive from them in the future? Can they help me? Can they be of use to me? What can I gain from them?” Isn’t it selfish and vile for them to always be thinking about these matters? (Yes, it is.) In church elections, what methods will antichrists employ? (They will disparage others and elevate themselves, bringing down those better than them.) Disparaging others and elevating themselves is also insidious and ruthless.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

Having a sense of honor is something that should be present in normal humanity; it means having reason. What is the opposite term to having a sense of honor? (Heedless of shame.) The meaning of being heedless of shame is to be unabashed. In other words, it can be summarized as lacking a sense of honor. What actions do antichrists take, and what specific manifestations or practices show that they lack a sense of honor and are heedless of shame? Antichrists openly vie with God for status, which lacks a sense of honor and is heedless of shame. Only antichrists can openly contend with God for status and His chosen people. Regardless of whether people are willing or not, antichrists want to control them. Regardless of whether they have the capability, antichrists want to strive for status, and after obtaining it, they live off the church, and eat and drink from God’s chosen people, letting God’s chosen people support them without doing anything themselves. They do not provide life for God’s chosen people at all, and yet want to bring them under their power, making them listen to, serve, and slave away for them, and they want to establish their own position in people’s hearts. If you speak well of others, if you praise God’s great kindness, grace, blessings, and almightiness, they feel unhappy and displeased. They always want you to speak highly of them, to have a place for them in your heart, to revere and look up to them, and it must be unadulterated. Everything you do must be for them and in consideration of them. You must place them at the forefront at every turn, in everything you say and do, taking their thoughts and feelings into account. Isn’t this lacking a sense of honor and being heedless of shame? Don’t antichrists act like this? (Yes, they do.) What other manifestations are there? They steal and squander offerings, appropriating God’s offerings for themselves. This also lacks a sense of honor and is heedless of shame—it’s too obvious!

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

Antichrists lack conscience and reason; how else do they manifest that they have no sense of honor and are heedless of shame? When they do something wrong, they do not know to feel remorse, and they harbor no guilt in their hearts. They do not contemplate how to make amends or repent, and they even believe their actions are justified. When faced with pruning or being replaced, they feel unjustly treated. They incessantly argue and engage in sophistry—this is lacking a sense of honor. They don’t do any real work; at every turn, they lecture others, and mislead people with empty theories, making others think they are spiritual and understand the truth. They also boast frequently about how much they’ve worked and suffered, saying they deserve to enjoy God’s grace and the reception and care of the brothers and sisters, thereby living off the church as a matter of course, and they also want to eat and drink delicious things and enjoy special treatment. This is being without a sense of honor and heedless of shame. Furthermore, despite clearly having poor caliber, not understanding the truth, and being unable to find the principles of practice, as well as being incapable of doing any work, they boast about being capable and good at everything. Isn’t this heedless of shame? Despite clearly being nothing, they pretend to know everything so that people esteem and look up to them. If anyone has issues but doesn’t solicit their advice, and asks other people instead, they become angry, jealous, and resentful, looking for whatever way possible to torment that person. Isn’t this being heedless of shame? It’s obvious that they often lie, have various corrupt dispositions, but they pretend that they don’t have corrupt dispositions, that they are favored and loved by God; at every turn, they pretend that they are very capable of enduring suffering, that they can submit, that they can accept the truth and pruning, that they are not afraid of hard work or criticism, and that they never complain—but in reality, they are full of resentment. Despite their obvious inability to fellowship any understanding, or to talk about any truths clearly, and their lack of experiential testimony, they engage in pretense and imposture, speaking in an empty way about their self-knowledge in order to make people view them as being very spiritual and as having a great deal of understanding. Isn’t this being heedless of shame? They clearly have numerous issues and bad humanity, they do their duty without any loyalty, and they rely solely on their own intellect and cleverness in whatever work they do, not seeking the truth at all, yet they still believe that they bear a burden, that they are very spiritual and have caliber, and that they are superior to most people. Isn’t this being heedless of shame? Aren’t these manifestations of the lack of humanity of antichrists? Don’t they frequently reveal such things? Clearly, they lack an understanding of the truth principles, and no matter what work they do, they cannot find any principles of practice, but they refuse to seek or fellowship; they rely on their own cleverness, experience, and intellect to get work done. They even wish to be a leader, to direct others, and to get everyone to listen to them, and they get angry and mad when anyone doesn’t. Isn’t this being heedless of shame? Because they have ambitions, gifts, and a bit of cleverness, they always want to stand out in the house of God, and to get God’s house to put them in important positions and cultivate them. If they are not being cultivated, they feel upset and resentful, complaining that the house of God is unfair, that it cannot recognize talented people, and that there’s no good judge of talent in God’s house to discover their exceptional abilities. If they are not being cultivated, they don’t want to work hard to do their duties, endure hardships, or pay the price; instead, they just want to employ their cunning to get out of work. In their hearts, they hope that someone in the house of God will esteem and elevate them, allowing them to surpass others and carry out their grand plans here. Aren’t these ambitions and desires? Isn’t this being heedless of shame? Isn’t this the most common manifestation of antichrists? If you truly have abilities, you should pursue the truth, focus on doing your duties well, and the chosen people of God will naturally esteem you. If you possess none of the truth and are still always wanting to stand out, that is too lacking in reason! If you also have ambitions and desires, and are always wanting to go all out, you are bound to fall. Having once possessed a certain status and prestige in society, some people want to throw their weight around, have the final say, and make everyone heed their commands after they come to believe in God and enter His house. They want to lay out their qualifications and credentials, they consider everyone to be beneath them and think they should all be subject to their power. Isn’t this being heedless of shame? It is. When some people get some results and make some contributions while doing their duties in God’s house, they always want the brothers and sisters to treat them with great respect, as elders, high-ranking individuals, and special figures. They even want people to look up to them, follow them, and listen to them. They aspire to become the leading figure in the church; they want to decide everything, to render judgment and have the final say on all matters. If no one listens to or adopts what they say, they want to abandon their post, and undermine and laugh at everybody else. Isn’t this being heedless of shame? In addition to being heedless of shame, they are particularly malicious—these are antichrists.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

Antichrists have no conscience, reason, or humanity. Not only are they heedless of shame, but they have another hallmark, too: They are uncommonly selfish and vile. The literal sense of their “selfishness and vileness” is not hard to grasp: They are blind to anything but their own interests. Anything concerning their own interests gets their full attention, and they will suffer for it, pay a price, engross themselves in it, and devote themselves to it. Anything not related to their own interests they will turn a blind eye to and take no notice of; others can do as they please—antichrists don’t care if anyone is being disruptive or disturbing, and to them, this has nothing to do with them. Put tactfully, they mind their own business. But it is more accurate to say that this kind of person is vile, base, and sordid; we define them as “selfish and vile.” How does the selfishness and vileness of the antichrists manifest itself? In anything that benefits their status or reputation, they make efforts to do or say whatever is necessary, and they willingly endure any suffering. But where work arranged by God’s house is concerned, or where work that benefits the life growth of God’s chosen people is concerned, they utterly ignore it. Even when evil people disrupt, disturb, and commit all kinds of evil, thereby seriously affecting the work of the church, they remain impassive and unconcerned, as if this has nothing to do with them. And if someone discovers and reports the evil deeds of an evil person, they say they saw nothing and feign ignorance. But if someone reports them and exposes that they don’t do real work and only pursue fame, gain, and status, they see red. Meetings are hurriedly convened to discuss how to respond, investigations are held to find out who went behind their back, who the ringleader was, and who was involved. They will not eat or sleep until they have gotten to the bottom of it and the matter has been completely put to rest; sometimes they are only happy once they’ve taken down everyone involved in reporting them. This is the manifestation of selfishness and vileness, is it not? Are they doing church work? They are acting for the sake of their own power and status, pure and simple. They are running their own operation. Regardless of what work they undertake, antichrists never give any thought to the interests of the house of God. They only consider whether their own interests will be affected, only think about the little bit of work in front of them that benefits them. For them, the primary work of the church is just something they do in their spare time. They don’t take it seriously at all. They only move when they’re prodded into action, only do what they like to do, and only do work that is for the sake of maintaining their own status and power. In their eyes, any work arranged by God’s house, the work of spreading the gospel, and the life entry of God’s chosen people are not important. No matter what difficulties other people have in their work, what issues they have identified and reported to them, how sincere their words are, the antichrists pay no heed, they do not get involved, it’s as if this has nothing to do with them. No matter how major the problems emerging in the church’s work are, they are utterly indifferent. Even when a problem is right in front of them, they only address it perfunctorily. Only when they are directly pruned by the Above and ordered to sort out a problem will they grudgingly do a little real work and give the Above something to see; soon after, they will continue with their own business. When it comes to the work of the church, to the important things of the wider context, they are disinterested in and disregard these things. They even ignore the problems they discover, and they give perfunctory answers or hem and haw when asked about problems, only addressing them with great reluctance. This is the manifestation of selfishness and vileness, is it not? What’s more, no matter what duty antichrists are doing, all they think about is whether it will allow them to step into the limelight; as long as it will boost their reputation, they rack their brains to come up with a way to learn how to do it, to carry it out; all they care about is whether it will set them apart. No matter what they do or think, they are only concerned with their own fame, gain, and status. No matter what duty they are doing, they only compete over who is higher or lower, who wins and who loses, who has the bigger reputation. They only care about how many people worship and look up to them, how many people obey them, and how many followers they have. They never fellowship the truth or solve real problems. They never consider how to do things according to principle when doing their duty, nor do they reflect on whether they have been loyal, have fulfilled their responsibilities, whether there have been deviations or oversights in their work, or if any problems exist, much less do they give thought to what God asks, and what God’s intentions are. They pay not the slightest attention to all these things. They only put their head down and do things for the sake of fame, gain, and status, to satisfy their own ambitions and desires. This is the manifestation of selfishness and vileness, is it not? This fully exposes how their hearts brim with their own ambitions, desires, and senseless demands; everything they do is governed by their ambitions and desires. No matter what they do, the motivation and source is their own ambitions, desires, and senseless demands. This is the archetypal manifestation of selfishness and vileness.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

The essence of the antichrists’ selfishness and vileness is obvious; their manifestations of this kind are particularly prominent. The church entrusts them with a piece of work, and if it brings renown and benefits, and lets them show their face, they are very interested, and willing to accept it. If it is work that is thankless or involves offending people, or won’t allow them to show their face or it is of no benefit to their fame, gain, or status, they have no interest, and will not accept it, as if this work has nothing to do with them, and is not the work they ought to be doing. When they encounter difficulties, there is no chance that they will seek the truth to solve them, much less try to see the bigger picture and give any consideration to the work of the church. For example, within the scope of the work of God’s house, based on overall work needs, there may be some personnel transfers. If a few people are transferred from a church, what would be the sensible way for that church’s leaders to treat the issue? What is the problem if they are concerned only with their own church’s interests, rather than the overall interests, and if they are absolutely unwilling to transfer those people? Why, as a church leader, are they unable to submit to the centralized arrangements of God’s house? Is such a person considerate of God’s intentions? Are they attentive to the work’s big picture? If they do not think of the work of God’s house as a whole, but only of their own church’s interests, are they not very selfish and vile? Church leaders should unconditionally submit to the sovereignty and arrangements of God, and to the centralized arrangements and coordination of God’s house. This is what accords with the truth principles. When required by the work of God’s house, no matter who they are, everyone should submit to the coordination and arrangements of God’s house, and absolutely should not be controlled by any individual leader or worker as if they belong to them or are subject to their decisions. The obedience of God’s chosen people to the centralized arrangements of the house of God is perfectly natural and justified, and these arrangements may not be defied by anyone, unless an individual leader or worker makes an arbitrary transfer that is not in accordance with principle, in which case this arrangement may be disobeyed. If a normal transfer is made in accordance with the principles, then all of God’s chosen people should obey, and no leader or worker has the right or any reason to try to control anyone. Would you say there is any work that is not the work of the house of God? Is there any work that does not involve the expansion of God’s kingdom gospel? It is all the work of God’s house, each work is equal, and there is no “yours” and “mine.” If the transfer is in line with principle and based on the requirements of church work, then these people should go where they are needed most. And yet, what is the antichrists’ response when faced with this kind of situation? They find various pretexts and excuses to keep these suitable people by their side, and they only offer two ordinary people, and then find some pretext to turn the screws on you, either saying how work is so busy, or that they’re short-handed, people are hard to find, and if these two are transferred, work will take a hit. And they ask you what they are supposed to do, and make you feel that having people transferred would mean you owe them. Is this not the way devils operate? This is how the nonbelievers do things. People who always try and protect their own interests in the church—are they good people? Are they people who act according to principle? Absolutely not. They are nonbelievers and disbelievers. And is this not selfish and vile? If someone of good caliber is transferred from under an antichrist to do another duty, in their heart the antichrist doggedly resists and rejects it—they want to call it quits, and have no enthusiasm for being a leader or group head. What problem is this? Why do they have no obedience toward the arrangements of the church? They think the transfer of their “right-hand man” will impact the results and progress of their work, and that their status and reputation will be consequently affected, which will force them to work harder and suffer more to guarantee results—which is the last thing they want to do. They have grown used to comfort, and don’t want to work harder or suffer more, so they don’t want to let the person go. If the house of God insists on the transfer, they complain a lot and even want to throw up their own work. Is this not selfish and vile? God’s chosen people should be centrally allocated by the house of God. This has nothing to do with any leader, group head, or individual. Everyone must act according to principle; this is the rule of God’s house. Antichrists do not act according to the principles of God’s house, they constantly scheme for the sake of their own status and interests, and make brothers and sisters of good caliber serve them in order to consolidate their power and status. Is this not selfish and vile? Outwardly, keeping people of good caliber by their side and not allowing them to be transferred by the house of God appears as if they are thinking of church work, but in fact they are only thinking of their own power and status, and not about the work of the church at all. They are afraid that they will do the church work poorly, be replaced, and lose their status. Antichrists give no thought to the wider work of God’s house, think only of their own status, protect their own status with no compunction for the cost to the interests of the house of God, and defend their own status and interests to the detriment of the church’s work. This is selfish and vile. When faced with such a situation, at the very least one must think with their conscience: “These people are all of the house of God, they are not my personal property. I, too, am a member of the house of God. What right do I have to stop the house of God from transferring people? I should consider the overall interests of the house of God, instead of just concentrating on the work within the scope of my own responsibilities.” Such are the thoughts that should be found in people who are possessed of conscience and reason, and the reason that should be possessed by those who believe in God. God’s house engages in the work of the whole and the churches are engaged in the work of parts. Therefore, when God’s house has a special need from the church, what’s most important for leaders and workers is to obey the arrangements of God’s house. False leaders and antichrists are not possessed of such conscience and reason. They are all quite selfish, they only think of themselves, and they do not think of the work of the church. They only consider the benefits before their very eyes, they do not consider the wider work of God’s house, and so they are absolutely incapable of obeying the arrangements of God’s house. They are extremely selfish and vile! In the house of God, they are even bold enough to be obstructive, and even dare to dig their heels in; these are the people most lacking in humanity, they are evil people. That is the kind of people the antichrists are. They always treat the church’s work, and the brothers and sisters, and even all the assets of God’s house that fall within their scope of responsibility, as their own private property. They believe that it is up to them how these things are distributed, transferred, and used, and that the house of God is not allowed to intervene. Once they are in their hands, it is as if they are in the possession of Satan, no one is allowed to touch them. They’re the big shots, the head honchos, and whoever goes to their territory has to obey their orders and arrangements in a well-behaved and pliant manner, and take cues from their expressions. This is the manifestation of the selfishness and vileness within antichrists’ character. They give no consideration to the work of the house of God, they do not follow principle in the slightest, and only think of their own interests and status—which are all hallmarks of the selfishness and vileness of antichrists.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

The humanity of antichrists also possesses something that is both disgusting and loathsome—that is, they latch onto the powerful and oppress the weak. If there are certain celebrities or people with power or status in the church or in the world, no matter who they are, antichrists harbor infinite envy and admiration in their hearts for them, even currying favor with them. When they believe in Christianity, they claim that certain political heads are believers, and when they accept this stage of God’s work in the last days, they assert that certain pastors from prominent denominations have also accepted it. Whatever they do, they always give it an impressive title, they always revere and emulate celebrities, and they feel satisfied only when they have at least managed to latch onto a celebrity or someone with status. When it comes to people with status, regardless of whether they are good or bad, antichrists tirelessly ingratiate themselves and flatter and fawn over them. They are even willing to serve tea and take out the chamber pot for them. On the other hand, when dealing with those without status, no matter how upright, honest, and kind these individuals may be, antichrists bully and trample them whenever possible. They often boast about how So-and-so is a business executive in society, how wealthy So-and-so’s father is, how much money So-and-so has, and how huge So-and-so’s family or company is, emphasizing their prominence in society. Regarding false leaders and antichrists in the church, no matter what evil deeds they commit, antichrists never report, expose, or discern them. Instead, they follow closely after them, doing whatever they are told. They become the followers, foot soldiers, and slaves of whichever level leader they follow. When dealing with those with power, influence, wealth, and status, they appear exceptionally subservient, humble, and inept. They are extremely obedient and submissive, nodding and complying with everything those people say. However, when dealing with ordinary people without status, they put on a different air, using an imposing manner when they speak to overpower people, wanting to be superior, as though they were unbeatable, stronger and higher than anyone else, making it hard to discern any problems, flaws, or weaknesses in them. What kind of character is this? Is there some connection between this and being insidious, ruthless, and heedless of shame? (Yes, there is.) Latching onto the powerful and oppressing the weak—isn’t this the ugly and evil side of the humanity of antichrists? Do you think people with such humanity are upright? (No.) Are the things they say to those with status and the powerful truthful? Are the things they say to the weak truthful? (None of it is truthful.) Therefore, this item has some connection to habitual lying. Judging by this item, the character of antichrists is abominable to the extreme, and they possess two entirely different faces. This kind of person has a nickname—“chameleon.” They never treat people based on the truth principles, humanity, or whether those people are pursuing the truth within the house of God. Instead, they treat people differently based solely on their status and influence. When dealing with those who have status and abilities, they go to great lengths to ingratiate themselves, flatter them, and get close to them. Even if they are beaten or scolded by these people, they willingly endure it without any complaints. They even continuously admit their own uselessness and become servile, though what they truly think inside is entirely different from their outward behavior. If someone with status and prestige speaks, even if it’s a fallacy and heresy of Satan that is completely unrelated to the truth, they will listen to it, nod in agreement, and superficially accept it. On the other hand, if someone lacks capability or status, no matter how correct their words are, antichrists will ignore them and look down on them. Even if what they say aligns with principles and the truth, they won’t listen to it, but will instead refute, mock, and ridicule them. This is another feature found in the character of antichrists. Judging by their ways and principles of comporting themselves and dealing with the world, these individuals can be definitively classified as unequivocal disbelievers. The manifestations of their character are lowly, sordid, and base.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

There is another manifestation in the humanity of antichrists: They are more desirous than normal people of material things. That is to say, their desire and demand for material things is particularly large—it is limitless. They are filled with aspirations for an extravagant lifestyle, and are insatiably greedy. Some may say: “The majority of antichrists don’t possess this manifestation.” Not possessing it doesn’t mean it’s absent from their humanity. Once such people attain status, what are their principles for what they eat, how they dress, and how they look? As soon as they have status, they’ve got to have their way, they find opportunities, they have certain conditions, and their life is different. They become particular about what they eat, emphasizing ostentation and luxury. They insist on wearing and using brand-name items, and the homes they reside in and the cars they drive must be high-end and luxurious. Even when they purchase a utility vehicle, it must be outfitted with luxurious accessories. Some may ask: “If they don’t have money, why do they place such an emphasis on these things?” Just because they don’t have money, that doesn’t mean they don’t pursue such things or that this desire is absent from their humanity. Therefore, once antichrists gain a hold on the offerings in God’s house, they squander them recklessly. They want to buy and enjoy everything, to the point of shamelessness and to an extent that is difficult to keep in check. They’ve got to drink high-quality tea served in gold-plated cups, their meals must be sumptuous banquets, they insist on consuming special-grade ginseng, and they only use computers and phones from world-class brands that are always the latest models. They wear eyeglasses costing thousands of yuan, spend hundreds on hairstyling, and pay a thousand or more for massage and sauna sessions. In short, they demand everything to be top-notch and brand-name, wanting to enjoy whatever celebrities and powerful people enjoy. Once antichrists have status, all these ugly things become evident. During gatherings, if only three to five people listen to their preaching, they find it insufficient and insist on having three to five hundred people. When others say that there are adverse external circumstances, so a gathering of three to five people is already pretty good, they retort: “This won’t do—why are there so few people listening to my sermon? This isn’t worth my time. We should buy a large church building that can hold tens of thousands of people for a more dignified sermon.” Aren’t they courting death? This is the kind of thing that antichrists do. Aren’t they also being heedless of shame? They have an extremely uncontrollable desire for and interest in a luxurious life and material things, which is another feature in the character of antichrists. As soon as someone mentions gourmet food, luxury cars, brand-name clothing, and high-end and expensive items, their eyes light up and turn green with greed, and their desire surfaces. How does this desire come about? It is unmistakably a revelation of their demonic nature. Some antichrists may be short on money, and when they see someone wearing high-end jewelry or a two or three-carat diamond ring, their eyes light up, and they think, “If I didn’t believe in god, I could wear a five-carat one.” They consider the fact that they don’t even own a one-carat ring, and they feel upset and start thinking that believing in God isn’t worth it. Yet, upon further consideration, they think, “I will receive great blessings in the future due to putting my faith in god. I could have a five-hundred-carat diamond and wear it on my head.” Do they not have desires? Seeing wealthy individuals on TV wearing designer clothes and floating on luxurious cruise ships at sea, they feel that it’s incredibly blissful, romantic, noble, and enviable. They drool over it, saying, “When can I become that kind of person, a titan among men? When can I enjoy such a life?” They watch it over and over again until they think that believing in God is truly uninteresting. But then they reflect once again, thinking “I can’t think this way. Why do I believe in god? ‘One must endure the greatest hardships in order to become the greatest of men.’ In the future, my life will be much better than theirs. They go on a luxury cruise, but I will fly on a luxury plane or a luxury flying saucer—I’ll go to the moon!” Are these thoughts even a little bit sensible? Do they align with normal humanity? (No, they don’t.) This is another element in the humanity of antichrists—an extremely uncontrollable desire for material things and a luxurious lifestyle. Once they obtain these, they become insatiably greedy, with a ravenous gaze and nature, wanting to possess these things forever. In the humanity of antichrists, it’s not just about envying the powerful; they also desire material things and a high-quality life. Normal humanity has a reasonable range of needs for life and material things: They have their daily necessities, the needs of work and living environments, and also their physical needs. It’s enough that these needs are met, and it is considered relatively normal to moderate them based on one’s capacity and economic conditions. However, antichrists’ need for and indulgence in material things is abnormal and insatiable.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

Habitual lying, insidiousness and ruthlessness, lacking a sense of honor and being heedless of shame, being selfish and vile, latching onto the powerful and oppressing the weak, and being more desirous than normal people of material things—these features of the character of antichrists are typical, highly representative, and obvious. While some of these manifestations may appear in ordinary people to some extent, their manifestations are simply a corrupt disposition or manifestations of abnormal humanity or a lack of humanity that arise from the corruption of Satan. Through reading God’s words, these people develop the awareness of conscience and the ability to let go of and rebel against these things, and repent. These characteristics do not serve a dominant role in them, and they will not affect their pursuit of the truth or the performance of their duties. Only antichrists refuse to accept the truth regardless of how many sermons they hear. The traits and features inherent in their humanity will not change, and that’s why such people are condemned in the house of God and can never be saved. Why can’t they be saved? People with such character cannot be saved because they refuse to accept the truth, and because they are hostile to the truth, to God, and to all positive things. They lack the conditions and the humanity for salvation, and therefore, these individuals are destined to be eliminated and cast into hell.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Four: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part One)

Previous: 5. How to discern antichrists

Next: 7. How to discern the wicked nature of antichrists

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