32. How to accept God’s scrutiny

Words of Almighty God of the Last Days

I am righteous, I am trustworthy, and I am the God who examines the innermost heart of man! I will reveal at once who is true and who is false. Do not be alarmed; all things work according to My time. Who wants Me sincerely, and who does not—I will tell you, one by one. You just take care to eat up, drink up, and draw up close to Me when you come into My presence, and I will do My work Myself. Do not be too anxious for quick results; My work is not something that can be accomplished all at once. Within it there are My steps and My wisdom, and that is why My wisdom can be revealed. I will let you see what is done by My hands—the punishing of evil and the rewarding of good. I most certainly do not favor anyone. You who sincerely love Me, I will sincerely love you, and as for those who do not sincerely love Me, My wrath will ever be with them, so that they may remember through eternity that I am the true God, the God who examines the innermost heart of man. Do not act one way to others’ faces but another way behind their backs; I see clearly everything you do, and though you may fool others, you cannot fool Me. I see it all clearly. It is not possible for you to conceal anything; all lies within My hands. Do not think yourself so very clever for making your petty little calculations come out to your advantage. I tell you: However many plans man may hatch, be they thousands or tens of thousands, in the end they cannot escape from the palm of My hand. All things and all objects are controlled by My hands, never mind a single person! Do not try to evade Me or hide, do not try to wheedle or conceal. Can it be that you still do not see that My glorious countenance, My wrath and My judgment, have been publicly revealed? Whosoever does not want Me sincerely, I will judge them immediately and without mercy. My pity has come to its end; there is no more left. Do not be hypocrites any longer, and put a stop to your wild and reckless ways.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 44

To be a believer in God means that all you do must be brought before Him and made subject to His scrutiny. If what you do can be brought before God’s Spirit but not before God’s flesh, this shows that you have not come under scrutiny by His Spirit. Who is the Spirit of God? Who is the person to whom God bears witness? Are They not one and the same? Most see Them as two separate beings, believing God’s Spirit is God’s Spirit, and the person to whom God bears witness is merely a human. But are you not mistaken? On whose behalf does this person work? Those who do not know God incarnate do not have spiritual understanding. God’s Spirit and His incarnate flesh are one, because God’s Spirit is materialized in the flesh. If this person is unkind to you, will God’s Spirit be kind? Are you not confused? Today, all who cannot accept God’s scrutiny cannot receive His approval, and those who do not know God incarnate cannot be perfected. Look at all that you do, and see if it can be brought before God. If you cannot bring all that you do before God, this shows that you are an evildoer. Can evildoers be perfected? All that you do, every action, every intention, and every reaction should be brought before God. Even your daily spiritual life—your prayers, your closeness to God, how you eat and drink of God’s words, your fellowship with your brothers and sisters, and your life within the church—and your service in partnership can be brought before God for His scrutiny. It is such practice that will help you achieve growth in life. The process of accepting God’s scrutiny is the process of purification. The more you can accept God’s scrutiny, the more you are purified and the more you are in accord with God’s will, so that you will not be drawn into debauchery, and your heart will live in His presence. The more you accept His scrutiny, the greater are Satan’s humiliation and your ability to forsake the flesh. So, the acceptance of God’s scrutiny is a path of practice people should follow. No matter what you do, even when communing with your brothers and sisters, you can bring your acts before God and seek His scrutiny and aim to obey God Himself; this will make what you practice much more correct. Only if you bring all you do before God and accept God’s scrutiny can you be someone who lives in the presence of God.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God Perfects Those Who Are After His Own Heart

You must use prayer as a way to accept God’s scrutiny in all things. When you pray, although I am not standing in front of you in person, the Holy Spirit is with you, and it is both Myself and the Spirit of God to whom you are praying. Why do you believe in this flesh? You believe because He has the Spirit of God. Would you believe in this person if He were without the Spirit of God? When you believe in this person, you believe in the Spirit of God. When you fear this person, you fear the Spirit of God. Faith in God’s Spirit is faith in this person, and faith in this person is also faith in the Spirit of God. When you pray, you feel the Spirit of God is with you and that God is before you, and therefore you pray to His Spirit. Today, most people are too afraid to bring their actions before God; while you may deceive His flesh, you cannot deceive His Spirit. Any matter that cannot withstand God’s scrutiny is at odds with the truth, and should be cast aside; to do otherwise is to commit a sin against God. So, you must lay your heart before God at all times, when you pray, when you speak and fellowship with your brothers and sisters, and when you perform your duty and go about your business. When you fulfill your function, God is with you, and so long as your intent is correct and is for the work of God’s house, He will accept all that you do; you should sincerely devote yourself to fulfilling your function. When you pray, if you have a God-loving heart and seek God’s care, protection and scrutiny, if these things are your intent, your prayers will be effective. For example, when you pray at meetings, if you open your heart and pray to God and tell Him what is in your heart without speaking falsehoods, then your prayers will surely be effective.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God Perfects Those Who Are After His Own Heart

Having a normal relationship with God means being able not to doubt and not to deny any of His work and being able to submit to His work. It means having correct intentions in God’s presence, not making plans for yourself, and considering the interests of God’s family first in all things; it means accepting God’s scrutiny and obeying God’s arrangements. You must be able to quiet your heart in God’s presence in all that you do. Even if you do not understand God’s will, you must still fulfill your duties and responsibilities to the best of your ability. Once God’s will has been revealed to you, act on it, and it will not be too late. When your relationship with God has become normal, then you will also have normal relationships with people. To build a normal relationship with God, all must be built on the foundation of God’s words, you must be able to perform your duty according to God’s words and what God asks, you must set your views straight, and must seek the truth in all things. You must practice the truth when you understand it, and regardless of what happens to you, you must pray to God and seek with a God-obeying heart. Practicing thus, you will be able to maintain a normal relationship with God. At the same time as performing your duty properly, you must also ensure that you do nothing that does not benefit the life entry of God’s chosen ones, and say nothing that is unhelpful to the brothers and sisters. At the very least, you must do nothing that goes against your conscience and must absolutely not do anything shameful. That which rebels against or resists God, in particular, you absolutely must not do, and you must not do anything that disturbs the work or life of the church. Be just and honorable in everything you do and ensure that your every action is presentable before God. Although the flesh may sometimes be weak, you must be able to put the interests of God’s family first, without greed for personal profit, without doing anything selfish or despicable, often reflecting on yourself. In this way, you will be able to often live before God, and your relationship with God will become completely normal.

In everything you do, you must examine whether your intentions are correct. If you are able to act according to the requirements of God, then your relationship with God is normal. This is the minimum standard. Look into your intentions, and if you find that incorrect intentions have arisen, be able to turn your back on them and act according to the words of God; thus will you become someone who is right before God, which in turn demonstrates that your relationship with God is normal, and that all that you do is for God’s sake, not your own. In all you do and all you say, be able to set your heart right and be righteous in your actions, and do not be led by your emotions, nor act according to your own will. These are principles by which believers in God must conduct themselves.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How Is Your Relationship With God?

Those who are capable of putting the truth into practice can accept God’s scrutiny in the things they do. When you accept God’s scrutiny, your heart will be set straight. If you only ever do things for others to see, and always want to gain others’ praise and admiration, and you do not accept God’s scrutiny, then is God still in your heart? Such people have no God-fearing hearts. Do not always do things for your own sake and do not constantly consider your own interests; do not consider the interests of man, and give no thought to your own pride, reputation, and status. You must first consider the interests of God’s house, and make them your priority. You should be considerate of God’s will and begin by contemplating whether or not there have been impurities in the performance of your duty, whether you have been devoted, fulfilled your responsibilities, and given it your all, as well as whether or not you have been wholeheartedly thinking about your duty and the work of the church. You must consider these things. If you think about them frequently and figure them out, it will be easier for you to perform your duty well. If you are of poor caliber, if your experience is shallow, or if you are not proficient in your professional work, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and you may not get good results—but you will have done your best. You do not satisfy your own selfish desires or preferences. Instead, you give constant consideration to the work of the church and the interests of the house of God. Though you may not achieve good results in your duty, your heart will have been set straight; if, on top of this, you can seek the truth to solve the problems in your duty, you will be up to standard in the performance of your duty, and, at the same time, you will be able to enter into the truth reality. This is what it means to possess testimony.

—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Freedom and Liberation Can Be Gained Only by Casting Off One’s Corrupt Disposition

You are all people who perform duties. At the very least, you must have an honest heart and allow God to see that you are sincere—only then can you attain God’s enlightenment, illumination, and guidance. The crucial thing is that you accept God’s scrutiny. No matter what barriers there are between you and other people, how much you value your own vanity and reputation, and what intentions you harbor that you cannot open up about in a simple manner, all of these things must gradually change. Step by step, each individual must free themselves from these corrupt dispositions and difficulties, and overcome the obstacles their corrupt dispositions pose. Before you pass through these obstacles, is your heart truly honest with God? Do you hide and conceal things from Him or put up a false front and deceive Him? You should be clear about this in your heart. If you have these things in your heart, you should accept God’s scrutiny. Do not leave things to chance and say, “I do not want to expend my whole life for God. I want to start a family and live my own life. Hopefully, God won’t scrutinize me and condemn me.” If you hide all these things from God—that is, the intentions, objectives, plans, and life goals that you harbor deep within your heart—and if you hide your views on many things and beliefs about faith in God, then you will be in trouble. If you hide these worthless things and do not seek the truth to resolve them, it shows that you do not love the truth, and that it is hard for you to accept and gain the truth. You can hide things from other people, but you cannot hide them from God. If you don’t trust God, then why do you believe in Him? If you have some secrets, and you worry that people will look down on you if you open up about them, and you lack the courage to speak out, then you can simply open up to God. You should pray to God, confessing the vile intentions that you harbor in your belief in Him, the things you have done for the sake of your future and destiny, and how you have strived for prestige and profit. Lay all of these before God and reveal them to Him; do not hide them from Him. No matter how many people your heart is closed off to, do not close your heart to God—you must open your heart to Him. That is the least degree of sincerity that those who believe in Him should have. If you have a heart that is open to God and not closed off to Him, and can accept His scrutiny, how will He view you? Even though you may not open up to others, if you can open up to God, He will see you as an honest person with an honest heart. If your honest heart can accept His scrutiny, then it is precious in His eyes, and He surely has work to do in you. For example, if you have done something deceitful toward God, He will discipline you. Then you must accept His discipline, quickly repent and confess before Him, and acknowledge your mistakes; you must acknowledge your rebelliousness and corruption, accept God’s chastisement and judgment, know your corrupt dispositions, practice according to His words, and genuinely repent. This is evidence of your sincere belief in God, and your genuine faith in Him.

—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Only an Honest Person Can Live Out True Human Likeness

When people have thoughts, they have choices. If something happens to them and they make the wrong choice, they should turn themselves around and make the right choice; they absolutely must not stick by their mistake. People like this are smart. But if they know they made the wrong choice and don’t turn themselves around, then they are someone who does not love the truth, and such a person does not truly want God. Say, for example, you want to be careless and sloppy when you perform your duty. You try to slack off, and try to avoid God’s scrutiny. At such times, hurry before God to pray, and reflect on whether this was the right way to act. Then think about it: “Why do I believe in God? Such sloppiness might get past people, but will it get past God? What’s more, my belief in God is not to slack off—it is in order to be saved. My acting thus is not the expression of normal humanity, nor is it beloved by God. No, I could slack off and do as I pleased in the outside world, but now I am in the house of God, I am under the sovereignty of God, under the scrutiny of God’s eyes. I am a person, I must act according to my conscience, I cannot do as I please. I must act according to God’s words, I must not be careless and perfunctory, I cannot slack off. So how should I act to not slack off, to not be careless and perfunctory? I must put in some effort. Just now I felt it was too much trouble to do it like this, I wanted to avoid hardship, but now I understand: It may be a lot of trouble to do it like that, but it is effective, and so that is how it should be done.” When you are working and still feel afraid of hardship, at such times you must pray to God: “Oh God! I am lazy and deceitful, I beg You to discipline me, to reproach me, so that my conscience feels something, and I have a sense of shame. I don’t want to be careless and perfunctory. I beg You to guide and enlighten me, to show me my rebelliousness and my ugliness.” When you pray thus, reflect and try to know yourself, this will give rise to a feeling of regret, and you will be able to hate your ugliness, and your wrong state will begin to change, and you will be capable of contemplating this and saying to yourself, “Why am I careless and perfunctory? Why am I always trying to slack off? Acting like this is devoid of any conscience or sense—am I still someone who believes in God? Why don’t I take things seriously? Don’t I just need to put in a little more time and effort? It’s no great burden. This is what I ought to be doing; if I can’t even do this, am I fit to be called a human being?” As a result, you will make a resolution and swear an oath: “Oh God! I have let You down, I truly am too deeply corrupted, I am without conscience or sense, I have no humanity, I wish to repent. I beg You to forgive me, I will surely change. If I do not repent, I would that You punish me.” Afterward, your mentality will turn around, and you will begin to change. You will act and perform your duties with conscientiousness, with less carelessness and perfunctoriness, and you will be able to suffer and pay a price. You will feel that performing your duty in this way is wonderful, and you will have peace and joy in your heart. When people can accept God’s scrutiny, when they can pray to Him and rely on Him, their states will soon be changed. When the negative state of your heart has been reversed, and you have forsaken your own intentions and forsaken the selfish desires of the flesh, when you are able to let go of the comfort and enjoyment of the flesh, and act according to God’s requirements, and you are no longer arbitrary or reckless, you will have peace in your heart and your conscience will not reproach you. Is it easy to forsake the flesh and act according to God’s requirements in this way? As long as people have a tremendous aspiration for God, they can forsake the flesh and practice the truth. And so long as you are able to practice in this way, then before you know it, you will be entering into the truth reality. It will not be difficult at all.

—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Treasuring God’s Words Is the Foundation of Belief in God

When anyone spends a little time monitoring or observing you, or asks you in-depth questions, trying to have a heart-to-heart with you and find out what your state has been like during this time, and even sometimes when their attitude is a little harsher, and they deal with and prune you a little, and discipline you, and reproach you, this is all because they have a conscientious and responsible attitude toward the work of the house of God. You should not have negative thoughts or feelings toward this. What does it mean if you can accept others’ oversight, observation, and questioning? That, in your heart, you accept the scrutiny of God. If you do not accept people’s oversight, observation, and questioning of you—if you push back against all this—are you able to accept the scrutiny of God? The scrutiny of God is more detailed, in-depth, and accurate than people’s questioning; what God asks is more specific, exacting, and in-depth than this. So if you cannot accept being monitored by God’s chosen ones, are your claims that you can accept God’s scrutiny not empty words? For you to be able to accept God’s scrutiny and examination, you must first be able to accept monitoring by the house of God, the leaders and workers, and the brothers and sisters.

—The Word, Vol. 5. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers. The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers (7)

No matter what happens around you, you should pray to God about all things. You should always seek the truth, restrain yourself, ensure that you are living in the presence of God, and have a normal relationship with God. God scrutinizes people at all times, and the Holy Spirit works within these kinds of people. How does God scrutinize a person’s heart? He not only looks with His eyes, He sets up environments for you and touches your heart with His hand. Why do I say this? Because when God sets up an environment for you, God sees whether you resent and hate it, or like and submit to it, whether you passively wait or actively seek the truth. God watches how your heart and your thoughts change, and in which direction they develop. The state in your heart is sometimes positive, and sometimes negative. If you can accept the truth, you will be able to accept from God the people, events and things, and the various environments that He sets out for you, and you will be able to approach them correctly. By reading God’s words, and through contemplation, all of your thoughts and ideas, all of your opinions, and all of your moods will change based on God’s words. You will be clear about this, and God will also scrutinize all of it. Even though you will not have spoken of it to any person, or prayed about it, and you will only think this in your heart and in your own world, from God’s perspective it will already be very clear—it will be obvious to Him. People look at you with their eyes, but God touches your heart with His, that is how close to you He is. If you can feel God’s scrutiny, you are living in the presence of God. If you cannot feel His scrutiny at all, you are living in your own world, and you are living by your own feelings and corrupt dispositions, and then you are in trouble. If you do not live in the presence of God, if there is a great distance between you and God, and you are far from Him, if you do not give any consideration at all for God’s will, and if you do not accept God’s scrutiny, God will know all this. It will be all too easy for Him to perceive this. So, when you have resolve and a goal, and you are willing to be perfected by God, and to become a person who follows God’s will and fears God and shuns evil, when you have this resolve, and you can pray and supplicate for these things often, and live in the presence of God, never distancing yourself from God or leaving Him, you are clear about these things, and God knows them too.

—The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Only by Often Living Before God Can One Have a Normal Relationship With Him

Whether people understand the truth or not, they absolutely must not do bad things, not do things relying on their ambitions and desires, and not have a chance-taking mentality, for God scrutinizes the hearts of man and scrutinizes all the earth. What does “all the earth” include? It includes both material and immaterial things. Don’t try to measure God, God’s authority, or God’s almightiness using your own brain. People are created beings and their lives are so insignificant—how can they measure the greatness of the Creator? How can they measure the almightiness and wisdom of the Creator in His creation of all things and sovereignty over all things? You must absolutely not do ignorant things or do evil. Doing evil will inevitably incur retribution, and when one day God reveals you, you’ll get more than you bargained for, and that day you will weep and gnash your teeth. You must conduct yourself with self-knowledge. In certain matters, before God has revealed you, it would be better for you to compare yourself with God’s words, reflect on yourself and bring buried things to light, discover your own problems, and then seek the truth to resolve them—don’t wait for God to reveal you. Once God has revealed you, doesn’t that then make you passive? At that time, you will already have committed a transgression. From God scrutinizing you to you being revealed, your worth and God’s opinion of you may perhaps undergo a huge change. This is because while God is scrutinizing you, He is giving you opportunities and entrusting you with His hopes, up until the moment you are revealed. From God entrusting someone with His hopes to His hopes coming to nothing in the end, what is God’s mood like? It undergoes a tremendous drop. And what will the consequence for you be? In not so serious cases, you may become an object for God to detest, and you will be put aside. What does “put aside” mean? It means you will be retained and observed. And what will the consequence be in more serious cases? God will say, “This person is a calamity and doesn’t deserve even to render service. I will absolutely not save this person!” Once God forms this idea, you will no longer have any outcome at all, and once that happens, you can kowtow and bleed but it won’t do any good, because God will have already given you sufficient chances but you never repented and you have gone too far. Therefore, no matter what problems you have or what corruption you reveal, you should always reflect on and know yourself in the light of God’s words or ask brothers and sisters to point these things out to you. What is most important is that you should accept God’s scrutiny, come before God, and ask Him to enlighten and illuminate you. No matter what method you use, discovering problems early and then resolving them is the effect achieved by self-reflection, and this is the best thing you can do. You must not wait until God has revealed you and cast you out before you feel remorse, as it will be too late to regret! When God reveals someone, is He profoundly wrathful or abundantly merciful? This is difficult to say, it is unknown, and I won’t give you this guarantee—the path you walk is up to you.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Seven: They Are Evil, Insidious, and Deceitful (Part One)

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Previous: 31. How to practice being an honest person

Next: 37. What it is to fear God and shun evil

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