48 All the Universe Is Brand New


Within the kingdom,

God not only issues forth utterances from His mouth,

but everywhere across all lands His feet tread ceremoniously.

Thus God’s triumphed over all places unclean and places filthy,

so not just heaven is in flux,

but the earth’s transforming too

and so it will be renewed.

All things shine like new within the cosmos

because of the radiance of God’s glory,

presenting a heartwarming situation

that ravishes people’s senses,

ravishes their senses, lifts their spirits,

as though it exists in a heaven beyond the heavens

conceived in the human imagination,

undisturbed by Satan and free from attacks by outside enemies,

no attacks from outside enemies.


Above the entire universe,

stars take their place as commanded by God.

Their light beams through astral regions during the hours of dark.

None dares to harbor thoughts of disobedience.

None dares to harbor thoughts of disobedience.

Due to the substance of God’s

administrative decrees,

the entire universe is well regulated and in perfect order:

No disturbance has ever arisen,

nor has the cosmos ever been divided.

Due to the substance of God’s

administrative decrees,

the entire universe is well regulated and in perfect order:

No disturbance has ever arisen,

nor has the cosmos ever been divided.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 15

Previous: 46 God Is the Almighty and One True God

Next: 49 The Whole Earth Rejoices and Praises God

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