53 God Will Conquer the People of All Nations


At the time of creation, God had already determined

that His work on earth would come to a complete end in the final age.

The time when God’s work comes to an end

shall be the very time that all of His doings

are made manifest in the firmament.

He shall make the people on earth acknowledge His doings,

make the people on earth acknowledge His doings,

and His deeds shall be proven before the “judgment seat,”

shall be proven before the “judgment seat,”

so that they may be acknowledged among people across the earth,

who all shall yield, who all shall yield.

Thus, after this

He shall embark upon an enterprise never before carried out in ages past.

From today onward, God shall make plain His deeds step by step,

so that His wisdom, His wondrousness, and His unfathomability

shall be acknowledged and proven in every sector of society,

in every sector of society.


God’s actions shall be recognized by every sector of society,

and this will be the moment when He gains all glory on earth.

At that time, God shall appear to man and no longer be hidden.

At that time, God shall appear to man and no longer be hidden.

At present, His deeds have yet to reach their climax.

His work is progressing onward, is progressing onward,

and when His deeds reach their zenith, it will be finished, be finished.

God shall completely conquer the people of all nations, all nations,

He shall cause ferocious beasts, cause ferocious beasts,

to become as tame as lambs before Him,

and He shall cause the great red dragon to submit before Him

like the people on earth.

He shall defeat all His enemies in heaven;

He shall cause all His adversaries on earth to be conquered.

This is God’s plan, and this is the wondrousness of His deeds.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 42

Previous: 52 Praise God Who Has Returned Victorious

Next: 54 Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom

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