129 God’s Work Does Not Repeat


The words spoken by God incarnate of the last days

are spoken in accordance with the nature essence of man,

the behavior of man, and that which man should enter into today.

His words are both practical and normal:

He does not speak of tomorrow, nor does He look back on yesterday;

He speaks only of that which should be entered into,

put into practice, and understood today.

If, during the present day, there is to emerge a person

who can display signs, cast out demons,

heal the sick, and perform many miracles,

and if this person claims that they’re Jesus who has come,

then this would be a counterfeit

produced by evil spirits which imitate Jesus.

Only if God does another part of His work in the last days,

which represents part of His management plan,

can man gain a deeper knowledge of God.

Then God’s management plan can be completed.


Remember this! God does not repeat the same work.

Jesus’ stage of work has already been completed,

and God will never again undertake that stage of work.

God will never again undertake that stage of work.

If, during the last days,

God still displayed signs and wonders,

and still cast out demons and healed the sick—

if He did exactly the same as Jesus—

then God would be repeating the same work,

and Jesus’ work would have no significance or value.

Thus, God carries out one stage of work in every age.

Once each stage of God’s work has been completed,

it is soon imitated by evil spirits,

and after Satan begins to follow on God’s heels,

God changes to a different method.

Only if God does another part of His work in the last days,

which represents part of His management plan,

can man gain a deeper knowledge of God.

Then God’s management plan can be completed.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Knowing God’s Work Today

Previous: 128 The Work of God Is Always Moving Forward

Next: 131 God Brings New Work in the New Age

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