218 Submit to the Work of the Holy Spirit to Follow to the End


The work of the Holy Spirit changes from day to day.

It rises higher with each step, it rises higher with each step,

the revelation of tomorrow higher than today’s,

climbing ever higher, step after step.

Such is the work by which God perfects man, God perfects man.

If people cannot keep pace, then they could be eliminated at any time.

If they do not have a heart of submission, they cannot follow to the very end.

The former age has passed; this is a new age.

And in a new age, new work must be done, new work must be done.

Particularly in the final age in which people are perfected,

God will perform newer work more quickly, perform newer work more quickly,

so without submission in their hearts,

people will find it hard to follow God’s footsteps.


God does not abide by any regulations,

nor does He treat any stage of His work as unchanging.

Instead, the work He does is ever newer and higher.

With each stage, His work becomes more and more practical,

and increasingly in line with the actual needs of man.

Only after people experience such work

can they attain the final transformation of their disposition.

Man’s knowledge of life reaches ever higher levels,

and so likewise, the work of God reaches ever higher levels.

Only thus can man be made perfect and become fit for God’s use,

become fit for God’s use.


God works in this way on the one hand

to counter and reverse the notions of man,

and on the other to lead man into a higher and more realistic state,

a higher and more realistic state,

into the highest realm of belief in God,

so that in the end, the will of God can be fulfilled.

All those of a rebellious nature who willfully oppose

shall be eliminated by this stage of God’s swift and furiously advancing work;

only those who willingly submit and who gladly humble themselves

can progress to the end of the road,

can progress to the end of the road.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Submit to God With a True Heart Shall Surely Be Gained by God

Previous: 217 Follow the Holy Spirit’s New Work to Gain God’s Approval

Next: 220 Believers Must Follow Closely God’s Footsteps

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