306 Corrupt Mankind Is Unworthy to See Christ


You always wish to see Christ,

but God urges you not to hold yourselves in such high esteem;

every person may see Christ, but God says no one is fit to see Christ.

Because the nature of man brims with evil,

brims with arrogance and rebelliousness,

at the moment you see Christ, your nature will destroy you

and your nature will condemn you to death.

At any time, your notions may take root, your arrogance may begin to sprout,

and at any time, your rebelliousness may bear figs.

How can you with such humanity be fit to associate with Christ?

How can you with such humanity be fit to associate with Christ?


Can you truly treat Him as God every moment of every day?

Will you truly have the reality of submission to God?

All of you worship the lofty God that is within your hearts as Jehovah,

and you regard the visible Christ as a man.

Your sense is too inferior and your humanity too debased!

You are incapable of always looking upon Christ as God,

you are incapable of always looking upon Christ as God;

only occasionally, when it takes your fancy,

do you grab hold of Him and worship Him as God.

This is why God says that you are not believers of God,

but a posse of accomplices who fight against Christ.


If you attempt to go to see God directly

without having undergone pruning or judgment,

then you shall surely become an opponent of God

and you are destined for destruction.

The nature of man is inherently hostile to God,

for all men have been subjected to Satan’s most profound corruption.

If man tries to associate with God from the midst of his own corruption,

it is certain that nothing good can come of this;

his actions and words will surely expose his corruption at every turn,

and in contact with God his rebelliousness will be revealed at every juncture.

Without realizing it,

man comes to oppose Christ, deceive Christ, and forsake Christ;

when this happens, man will be in an even more precarious state

and, should this continue, he shall become the object of punishment.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Are Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God

Previous: 300 The People Born Into Such a Filthy Land

Next: 307 Is This Your Faith?

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