460 Submit to the Holy Spirit’s Work and You Will Be on the Path to Perfection


The path to being made perfect

is reached through your submission to the work of the Holy Spirit,

to the work of the Holy Spirit.

You don’t know through what kind of person

God will work to perfect you,

nor through what person, event, or thing

He will allow you to gain or see things.

If you can set foot upon this right track,

it shows that there is great hope for you to be perfected by God,

for you to be perfected by God.

If you cannot, it shows that your future is bleak, devoid of light.

If you cannot, it shows that your future is bleak, devoid of light.

Once you embark upon the right track,

you will gain revelation in all things,

you will gain revelation in all things.

No matter what the Holy Spirit reveals to others,

if you proceed on the basis of their knowledge

to experience things on your own,

then this experience will become a part of your life,

and you will be able to supply others out of this experience.


Those who supply others by parroting words

are people who have not had any experiences;

you must learn to find a way of practice

through others’ enlightenment and illumination,

and then begin to speak of your own actual experience and knowledge.

This will be of greater benefit, greater benefit to your own life.

You should experience thus, submitting to all that comes from God.

You should seek the will of God in all things,

and learn the lessons in all things,

so that your life may grow.

Such practice affords the fastest progress.

Such practice affords the fastest progress.

Such practice affords the fastest progress.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Submit to God With a True Heart Shall Surely Be Gained by God

Previous: 458 When the Holy Spirit Works on Man

Next: 461 God Puts His Hope Completely on Man

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