490 Make Effort in Your Practice of God’s Word


In their faith in God,

people’s greatest fault is that they believe in word only,

and God is utterly absent from their everyday lives.

God is utterly absent from their everyday lives.

All people, indeed, believe in the existence of God,

yet God is not a part of their everyday lives.

People’s mouths speak many prayers to God,

but God has little place in their hearts,

and so God tries them again and again.

It is because people are impure that God has no alternative but to try them,

so that they may feel ashamed

and come to know themselves in the midst of these trials.

If not, humanity would turn into the descendants of the archangel,

and become increasingly corrupt.

If not, humanity would turn into the descendants of the archangel,

and become increasingly corrupt.


In the process of their faith in God,

every person casts off many

of their personal intentions and objectives

under the ceaseless cleansing of God.

If not, God would have no way of using anyone,

and no way of doing in people the work that He ought.

God first cleanses people, and through this process,

they may come to know themselves

and God may change them, God may change them.

Only then does God work His life into them,

and only thus can their hearts be fully turned to God.

Only thus can their hearts be fully turned to God.


If you only have knowledge but don’t have His word as life,

and if you are limited only to your own knowledge

but cannot practice the truth or live out the word of God,

then this is proof still that you do not have a God-loving heart,

and it shows that your heart does not belong to God.

One can come to know God by believing in Him: This is the final goal,

and the goal of man’s pursuit.

You must put effort into living out the words of God

so that they may come to fruition in your practice.

If you have only doctrinal knowledge,

then your faith in God will come to naught.

Only if you then also practice and live out His word

can your faith be considered complete,

be considered complete and in accord with the intentions of God.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. You Ought to Live for the Truth Since You Believe in God

Previous: 487 One Cannot Pursue Life Without God’s Word

Next: 491 May God Move Our Spirits Again

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