589 I Will Spend My Life Alongside God’s Judgment and Chastisement


Oh God! Your love is so precious and Your love is so beautiful; how could I wish to live in the hands of the evil one? How could I live under the power of Satan? I would prefer to live amid Your chastisement. I’m unwilling to live under the power of the evil one. If I can be made pure, and can devote my all to You, I am willing to offer up my body and mind to Your judgment and chastisement, for I detest Satan, and am unwilling to live under its power. Through Your judgment of me, You show forth Your righteous disposition; I am happy, and have not the slightest complaint. If I am able to fulfill the duty of a created being, I’m willing that my entire life be accompanied by Your judgment, through which I will come to know Your righteous disposition, and will rid myself of the influence of the evil one.


Even though I live amid Your chastisement, and amid Your judgment, regardless of the hardship that entails, still I am unwilling to live under the power of Satan, still I am unwilling to suffer Satan’s trickery. I take joy from living amid Your curses, and am pained by living amid the blessings of Satan. I love You by living amid Your judgment, and this brings me great joy. Your chastisement and judgment is righteous and holy; it’s in order to cleanse me, and even more, it’s to save me. I would prefer to spend my entire life amid Your judgment so that I may be under Your care. I’m unwilling to live under Satan’s power for a single moment. I wish to be cleansed by You; even if I suffer hardship, I am unwilling to be exploited and tricked by Satan.


I, this created being, should be used by You, possessed by You, judged by You, and chastised by You. I should even be cursed by You. My heart rejoices when You are willing to bless me, for I have seen Your love. You are the Creator, and I am a created being: I should not betray You and live under the power of Satan, nor should I be exploited by Satan. I should be Your horse, or ox, instead of living for Satan. I’d rather live amid Your chastisement, without physical bliss, and even if I were to lose Your grace, I would still enjoy being chastised and judged by You; this is Your best blessing, Your greatest grace.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Experiences of Peter: His Knowledge of Chastisement and Judgment

Previous: 588 Rise Up, Cooperate With God

Next: 590 Peter’s Love of God

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