723 The Criteria for Man’s Submission to God


In measuring whether or not people can submit to God,

the key is whether or not they have any extravagant desires

or ulterior motives toward Him.

If people are always making demands of God,

it proves that they are not submissive to Him.

If people are always making demands of God,

it proves that they are not submissive to Him.

No matter what happens to you, if you do not accept it from God,

and you do not seek the truth, if you are always arguing for yourself,

and if you always feel only you are right,

and even doubt that God is the truth and righteousness,

then you will be in trouble.

Such people are the most arrogant and rebellious to God.


People who always make demands of God cannot truly submit to Him.

If you make demands of God,

this proves that you are trying to make a deal with God,

that you are choosing your own will, and acting according to it.

In this, you are betraying God, and you lack submission.

To make demands of God is in and of itself lacking in reason;

if you truly believe He is God, you won’t dare make demands of Him,

nor will you feel qualified to make demands of Him,

whether you think them reasonable or not.

If you have true belief in God, and believe that He is God,

then you will only worship and submit to Him,

there is no other choice,

then you will only worship and submit to Him,

there is no other choice.

People today not only make their own choices,

they even ask God to act according to their own will.

Not only do they not choose to submit to God,

they even ask God to submit to them.

Isn’t this so lacking in reason?

If there is no true faith within a person, and no substantial belief,

they can never obtain God’s approval.

When people are able to make fewer demands of God,

they have more true faith and they have more submission,

and their sense of reason is comparatively normal.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. People Make Too Many Demands of God

Previous: 722 Submit to God Incarnate to Be Made Perfect

Next: 724 Manifestations of Dispositional Change

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