815 You Should Understand God’s Intentions


What you’ve inherited now

surpasses that of the apostles and prophets of ages past

and is greater even than that of Moses and Peter.

Blessings cannot be obtained in a day or two;

they must be earned through great sacrifice.

Which is to say, you must possess a love that has undergone refinement,

you must possess great faith,

and you must have the many truths that God requires you to attain;

what’s more, you must turn toward justice, without being cowed or evasive,

and must have a God-loving heart that is constant unto death.

You must have resolve, and changes must occur in your life disposition;

your corruption must be healed,

you must accept all of God’s orchestrations without complaint,

and be submissive even unto death.

This is what you ought to attain,

this is the final aim of God’s work,

and it’s what God asks of this group of people, this group of people.


Since God gives to you, He will surely ask of you in return,

and will surely make fitting demands of you.

This shows why, time and time again,

God does work that sets high standards and strict requirements.

It’s because of this that you should be filled with faith in God.

In short, all the work of God is done for your sake,

so that you may become worthy of receiving His inheritance.

This is not so much for the sake of God’s own glory,

for the sake of God’s own glory

but for the sake of your salvation

and for perfecting this group of people

who have been so profoundly afflicted in the unclean land.

You should understand God’s intention, understand God’s intention.

God exhorts the many ignorant people who are without any insight or sense:

Do not test God, and resist no more. Do not test God, and resist no more.


God has already undergone suffering never endured by any man,

and long ago endured even greater humiliation in man’s stead.

What else can you not let go of?

What could be more important than the intentions of God?

What could be higher than God’s love?

It is hard enough for God to carry out His work

in this unclean land, in this unclean land;

if man knowingly and willfully transgresses on top of this,

the work of God will have to be prolonged, will have to be prolonged.

God is not bound by time, not bound by time;

His work and His glory come first, His work and His glory come first.

Therefore, He will pay any price for His work,

no matter how long it takes.

This is the disposition of God: He won’t rest until His work is done.

This is the disposition of God: He won’t rest until His work is done.

He won’t rest until His work is done.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Is the Work of God As Simple As Man Imagines?

Previous: 813 Peter’s Knowledge of Jesus

Next: 816 To Bear Witness for God Is Man’s Duty

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