889 Since God Saves Man, He Will Save Them Completely


Since God created man, He leads them;

since He saves man, He will thoroughly save them, and completely gain them;

since He leads man, He will bring them to the proper destination;

since He created and manages man,

He must be responsible for their fate and prospects.

It is this which is the work done by the Creator.

Though the work of conquest is achieved by purging man of their prospects,

man must ultimately be brought into

the proper destination prepared for them by God.

It is precisely because God works man that man has a destination

and their fate is assured, their fate is assured.


Those things which man hopes for and pursues

are the yearnings arising from their pursuit

of the extravagant desires of the flesh,

rather than the destination due to man.

What God has prepared for man are the blessings and promises

due to man once they’ve been cleansed,

which God prepared for man after creating the world,

and which are not tainted by man’s choices or notions,

and are not tainted by man’s imaginings or flesh,

not tainted by man’s imaginings or flesh.

This destination is not prepared for a particular person,

but is the place of rest of the whole of mankind.

And so, this destination is the most suitable destination for mankind.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination

Previous: 887 God Silently Provides for Everyone

Next: 891 God Cares Most for Those He Will Save

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