913 No One Can Fathom God’s Authority and Power


When God accomplishes His promises, all things in heaven and on earth

renew and change according to God’s thoughts—none is exempt.

When a commitment or promise is uttered from God’s mouth,

all things serve its fulfillment,

and are maneuvered for the sake of its fulfillment;

all creatures are orchestrated and arranged under the Creator’s dominion,

they play their own role, and serve their respective function.

This is the manifestation of the Creator’s authority.

Each display of God’s authority is the perfect demonstration

of the words from His mouth,

which is demonstrated to all things and mankind.

Furthermore, everything accomplished by His authority

is exquisite beyond compare, and utterly flawless.


God’s thoughts, His words, His authority,

and all the work that He accomplishes

are all an incomparably beautiful picture,

and for the creatures, the language of mankind

is incapable of articulating its significance and value.

The authority by which God rules all things, and His power,

show to all things that God is present everywhere and at all times.

When you’ve witnessed the ubiquity of God’s authority and power,

you’ll see that God is present everywhere and at all times.

God’s authority and power are unconstrained by time,

geography, space, or any person, event or thing.

The breadth of God’s authority and power

surpasses the imagination of man;

it’s unfathomable to man, unimaginable to man,

and shall never be completely known by man.

from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique I

Previous: 912 No One Can Supersede God’s Authority

Next: 916 The Authority and Power of the Creator Are Limitless

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