1035 God Asks That Man Submit to Him Unconditionally


When Abraham actually raised his knife to sacrifice Isaac to God,

God saw all of his actions, God saw all of his actions,

and it showed God the true heart of Abraham, the true heart of Abraham.

Regardless of his former foolishness, ignorance, and misunderstanding of God,

at that time Abraham’s heart for God was true, and honest,

and he truly was going to return Isaac,

the son given to him by God, back to God.

In him, God saw submission, the very submission that He desired.

In him, God saw submission, the very submission that He desired.


To man, God does much that is incomprehensible,

God does much that is incomprehensible and even unbelievable.

When God wishes to orchestrate someone,

this orchestration is often at odds with man’s notions

and incomprehensible to him, incomprehensible to him,

yet it is precisely this dissonance and incomprehensibility

that are God’s trial and test of man,

that are God’s trial and test of man.

But Abraham was able to demonstrate submission to God,

which was the most fundamental condition

of his being able to satisfy God’s requirement.


People often say, “I’ve already offered this,

I’ve already forgone that—why is God still not satisfied with me?

Why is God still not satisfied with me?

Why does He keep subjecting me to trials? Why does He keep testing me?”

This demonstrates one fact, this demonstrates one fact:

God has not seen your heart, and has not gained your heart.

This is to say, He has not seen such sincerity

as when Abraham was able to raise his knife to slay his son by his own hand

and offer him to God.

He has not seen your unconditional submission,

and has not been comforted by you.

So it’s natural that God keeps trying you.

from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II

Previous: 1034 Man’s Intention of Believing in God to Gain Blessings Has Never Wavered

Next: 1037 Man’s Pain Is the Result of Corruption by Satan

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