1048 Only Pursuing the Truth Constitutes True Faith in God


You should have the right viewpoint about believing in God

and you should seek to obtain God’s words.

You need to eat and drink God’s words

and you must be able to live out the truth,

and what’s more, you must be able to see His practical deeds,

His wonderful deeds throughout the entire universe,

as well as the practical work He carries out in the flesh.

Through their practical experiences,

people can appreciate how God does His work on them

and what His intentions are toward them,

what His intentions are toward them.

The purpose of all of this is to eliminate

people’s corrupt satanic disposition.

Having cast out all the uncleanliness and unrighteousness inside you,

and having cast off your wrong intentions,

and having developed true faith in God—

only with true faith can you truly love God,

only with true faith can you truly love God.

You can only genuinely love God on the foundation of your belief in Him.

Can you achieve love for God without believing in Him?

Since you believe in God, you cannot be muddleheaded about it.


Some people become full of vigor as soon as they see

that faith in God will bring them blessings,

but then lose all energy

as soon as they see that they have to suffer refinements.

Is that believing in God?

You must achieve complete and utter submission

before God in your faith.

You believe in God but still have demands of Him,

have many religious notions you cannot put down,

personal interests you cannot let go of,

and still you seek blessings of the flesh

and want God to rescue your flesh, to save your soul—

these are all behaviors of people who have the wrong perspective.

Even though people with religious beliefs have faith in God,

they do not seek to change their dispositions

and do not pursue knowledge of God,

but rather seek only the interests of their flesh.

Many among you have faiths

that belong in the category of religious convictions;

this is not true faith in God,

this is not true faith in God.

To believe in God, people must possess a heart

that is prepared to suffer for Him and the will to give themselves up,

the will to give themselves up.

Unless people meet these two conditions, their faith in God is not valid,

and they will not be able to achieve change in their disposition.

Only people who genuinely pursue the truth,

seek knowledge of God, and pursue life

are those who truly believe in God.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Are to Be Made Perfect Must Undergo Refinement

Previous: 1047 The Ninevites Won God’s Mercy Through Their True Repentance

Next: 1049 Man’s Lifespan Has Been Predetermined by God

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