Chapter 7

The rise of environments around us hastens our retreat into the spirit. Do not act with a hardened heart, ignoring whether or not the Holy Spirit is worried, and do not try to be smart. Do not be complacent and self-satisfied or make too much of your own hardships. The only thing to do is to worship God with heart and honesty. You cannot leave God’s words behind or turn a deaf ear to them; you must figure them out carefully, repeat your prayer-readings, and grasp the life within the words. Do not engage in futility by wolfing them down without giving yourself time to digest them. Do you rely on God’s words in everything you do? Do not talk boastfully like a child and then get all in a muddle whenever a problem crops up. You must exercise your spirit every hour of every day; do not relax for even a moment. You must have a keen spirit. No matter what person, event, or thing you might encounter, if you come before God, you will have a path to follow. You must eat and drink of God’s words every day, figure out their meaning without being negligent, put forth more effort, get things right down to the very last detail, and equip yourself with the complete truth so as to avoid misunderstanding God’s intentions. You must broaden your range of experience and focus on experiencing God’s words. Through experience, you will be able to be more certain about God; without experience, claiming to be certain about Him is just a pack of empty words. We must be clear-headed! Awaken! Do not be slack any longer; if you deal with things in a slipshod way, not striving for progress, then you really are very blind. You must focus on the work of the Holy Spirit, listen carefully to the Holy Spirit’s voice, open your ears to God’s words, cherish what time you have left, and pay the cost, whatever it may be. When you have steel, use it where it counts—to make a strong blade; get a good hold on what is crucial, and focus on putting God’s words into practice. If you have left God’s words, then no matter how well you might do on the outside, it will all be to no avail. Practicing by merely paying lip service is unacceptable to God; change must come through your behavior, disposition, faith, courage and insight.

The time is nigh! Even the best things of this world must be cast aside. No amount of difficulties or dangers can daunt us, nor can we be overwhelmed, even if the sky were to fall. Without this kind of resolution, it will simply be too hard for you to become anyone of significance. Those who are faint-hearted and who cravenly cling to life are not worthy of standing before God.

Almighty God is a practical God. No matter how ignorant we may be, He will still take pity on us, His hands will surely save us, and He will still make us complete. As long as we possess hearts that truly want God, as long as we follow closely and do not become discouraged, and as long as we seek with a sense of urgency, He absolutely will not treat any of us unfairly; He will surely make up for us that which we lack, and He will satisfy us. All of this is the kindness of Almighty God.

If someone is gluttonous and lazy, leads a life of keeping their belly always full, and is indifferent to everything, they will find it hard to avoid suffering loss. Almighty God dominates all events and things! As long as we look up to Him in our hearts at all times and enter the spirit and fellowship with Him, He will show us all the things we seek, and His intentions are sure to be revealed to us. Our hearts will then be in joy and peace, steady with perfect clarity. It is crucial to be capable of acting in accordance with His words. Only being capable of grasping His intentions and of living in dependence on His words counts as true experience.

Only if we understand God’s words will the truth of God’s words be able to enter into us and become our life. Without any practical experience, how can you enter the reality of God’s words? If you cannot receive God’s words as your life, then your disposition will not be able to change.

The work of the Holy Spirit is progressing in leaps and bounds! If you do not follow closely and receive training, it will be hard for you to keep up with the Holy Spirit’s pace as He forges forward. Hurry and bring about radical change, lest you be trampled underfoot by Satan and enter the lake of fire and brimstone from which there is no escape. Go now, and seek as well as you can, so that you are not cast aside.

Previous: Chapter 6

Next: Chapter 8

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