Chapter 35

I have begun carrying out My work among mankind, allowing people to live in the same stream as I. When I complete My work, I will still be among mankind, for they are what is managed throughout My entire management plan, and it is My wish that they become masters of all things. For this reason, I continue to walk among mankind. As mankind and I enter the current era, I feel quite at ease, because the pace of My work has quickened. How can humans keep up? I have done much work on numb and dull-witted people, yet they have gained next to nothing because they do not cherish Me. I have dwelled among all people and observed their every move wherever they may be, both above ground and below. All those categorized as “humans” are resisting Me, as if “resisting Me” were man’s job, as if not doing this job would cause them to become vagrant orphans, adopted by no one. However, I do not sentence people arbitrarily on the basis of their actions and behavior. Rather, I support and provide for them in accordance with their stature. Because humans are the central characters of My entire management plan, I give more guidance to those who have been cast in the role of “human,” so that they may play that role wholeheartedly and to the best of their ability, and so that this play that I am directing will be a rousing success. This is My appeal to humankind. If I did not pray for mankind, would they be unable to play their role? Would it then be the case that I can accomplish what people ask of Me, but they cannot accomplish what I ask of them? It can be said that I do not use My might to oppress mankind. Instead, this is My final request, which I implore of them in all earnestness and sincerity. Are they truly unable to do what I ask? I have been giving to people for many years, yet have received nothing in return. Who has ever given Me anything? Are My blood, sweat, and tears to be like mountain mist? I have given people “vaccinations” many times, and told them that My requirements of them were not exacting. Why, then, do people constantly avoid Me? Is it because I will treat them like baby chicks, to be killed as soon as they are caught? Am I really so brutal and inhumane? Humans always measure Me with their own notions. Am I, as I am in their notions, the same as I am in heaven? I do not consider people’s notions to be objects for My enjoyment. Rather, I see their hearts as things to be appreciated. However, I do feel quite averse toward their consciences, because, according to them, I Myself do not possess one. I therefore have several more opinions about the consciences of them. However, I refuse to criticize their consciences directly; rather, I continue to guide them patiently and systematically. After all, humans are weak, and unable to do any work.

Today, I officially step into the realm of boundless chastisement, which I enjoy alongside humankind. With My hand, I also issue command, and under My command, mankind is well-behaved; no one dares oppose Me. All are under My guidance, carrying out the work I have assigned, for this is their “job.” Among all things in heaven and under heaven, who does not submit to My plans? Who is not in My grasp? Who does not utter praise and extolment for My words and My work? Humans admire My deeds and actions, and so, because of My every move, they pour themselves into the stream of My work. Who can extricate themselves? Who can escape the work I have arranged? By My administrative decree, humans are compelled to stay; without it, they would all have sneaked back from the “front line” and become “deserters.” Who is unafraid of death? Can people truly put their lives on the line? I do not impose on anyone, because I gained a thorough understanding of human nature long ago. Thus, I have always been undertaking projects that people have never done before. Because no one could carry out My work, I have set foot upon the battleground in person to engage in a struggle of life and death with Satan. Nowadays, Satan is rampant in the extreme. Why do I not take this opportunity to show off the focus of My work and reveal My power? As I have said before, I use Satan’s ruse as My foil; is this not the best opportunity? Only now do I reveal a gratified smile, for I have achieved My goal. I will no longer run about and ask humans for “help.” I have stopped bustling about, and no longer live the life of a vagrant. From now on, I will live in peace. Humans will likewise be safe and sound, for My day has come. On earth, I have led the busy life of a man, a life in which many injustices seem to have occurred. In humans’ eyes, I have shared their joys and sorrows, as well as their adversities. Like humans, I, too, have lived on earth and under heaven. They have therefore always seen Me as a created being. Because humans have not seen Me as I am in heaven, they have never expended much effort on My behalf. However, given today’s situation, people have no choice but to admit that I am the Sovereign of their fate and the speaker orating from the clouds. Humans have therefore touched their heads to the ground before Me in worship. Is this not the proof of My triumphant return? Is this not a portrayal of My victory over all hostile forces? All people have had premonitions that the world is coming to an end, that humanity will undergo a great cleansing. However, they cannot in truth do what I ask of them consciously, so they have no choice but to weep under My chastisement. What can be done? Who told humans to be disobedient? Who told them to enter into the final age? Why were they born into the human world in the last days? Every single thing is arranged and planned by Me personally. Who can utter a complaint?

Since the world’s creation, I have roved among mankind, keeping them company in their earthly existence. In previous generations, however, not a single person was ever chosen by Me; all were rebuffed by My silent letter. This is because people in the past did not serve Me exclusively, so I, in return, did not love them exclusively. They took Satan’s “presents” and then turned around and offered them to Me. Was this not slander against Me? And as they made their offerings, I did not reveal My disgust; rather, I turned their scheme to My own use by adding these “presents” to the materials of My management. Later, once they had been processed by machine, I would burn the dross within. In the current age, humans have not offered Me many “presents,” yet I do not reproach them for this. These people have always been destitute and empty-handed; thus, having observed the reality of their situation, I have never subjected them to any unreasonable demands since I came to the human world. Rather, after giving them “materials,” I have sought the “finished product” that I want, for this is the extent of what humans can achieve. I spent so many years in hardship, learning what it means to live as a human, before making an appropriate demand. Had I not experienced human life, how could I have understood the matters that people find difficult to discuss? Nevertheless, humans do not see it thus; they say I am the all-powerful, supernatural God Himself. Is this not precisely the notion all humans have harbored throughout history, that they harbor even today? I said that on earth, there is no one who can truly and fully know Me. This remark has its implications; it is not mere empty talk. I have experienced and observed this Myself, so I have an understanding of the details. Had I not come down to the human world, who would have a chance to know Me? Who could listen to My words in person? Who could see My figure among them? Throughout the ages, I have always remained hidden in the clouds. Early on, I made a prediction: “I will come down to the human world in the last days to serve as their exemplar.” This is why only the people of today have the good fortune of being able to broaden their horizons. Is this not a kindness I have bestowed upon them? Could they really not understand My grace at all? Why are humans so numb and dull-witted? They have come so far; why have they still not awoken? I have been in this world for many years, but who knows Me? It is no wonder I chastise people. It seems they are the objects on which to exercise My authority; it seems that they are bullets in My gun, which, having been fired, will all “escape.” People imagine it so. I have always respected humans; I have never arbitrarily exploited them or traded them like slaves. This is because I cannot leave them, nor can they leave Me. Thus, a bond of life and death has formed between us. I have always cherished mankind. Although mankind has never cherished Me, they have always looked to Me, which is why I continue to expend efforts on them. I love people like My own treasure, because they are the “capital” of My management on earth; I therefore will certainly not eliminate them. My intentions toward humans will never change. Can they truly trust in My oath? How can they satisfy Me for My sake? This is the task that has been set for all humankind; it is the “homework” I have assigned them. It is My hope they will all work hard to complete it.

April 23, 1992

Previous: Chapter 34

Next: Chapter 36

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