Chapter 24

The time draws ever closer. Awaken! All saints! I will speak unto you, and all who hear shall awaken. I am the God in whom you have held faith during these many years. Today, I have become flesh and come before your eyes, thus revealing who truly wants Me, who is willing to pay any price for Me, who truly listens to My word, and who is willing to put the truth into practice. For I am the almighty God—I can see all of man’s secrets hidden in darkness, I know who truly wants Me, and I know who resists Me. I observe all things.

Now, as soon as possible, I wish to make a group of people who accord with My intentions, a group of people who are able to be considerate of My burdens. However, I cannot refrain from cleansing and purifying My church; the church is My heart. I despise all the evil people who prevent you from eating and drinking of My word. This is because there are some other people who do not truly want Me. These people are full of deceit, they do not get close to Me with their true heart; they are evil, and they are people who obstruct the carrying out of My will; they are not people who put the truth into practice. These people are full of self-righteousness and arrogance, they are wildly ambitious, they love to be condescending, and though the words they speak are pleasant to hear, in secret they do not practice the truth. These evil people shall all be cut off and swept away; they shall languish amid disaster. These words are to remind and warn you to keep your feet on the path that is in line with My intentions. Always return to your spirit, because I love those who love Me with all their heart. Because you draw close to Me, I will protect you and keep you away from those evil ones; I will make you stand firm in My home and guard you until the end.

Previous: Chapter 23

Next: Chapter 25

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