What Is Your Understanding of Blessings?

Though the people born in this era have been corrupted by Satan and the filthy demons, such corruption has also brought them the utmost salvation, salvation even greater than the mountains and plains of livestock and vast wealth of Job, and greater, too, than the blessing of beholding Jehovah that Job received following his trials. It was only after Job underwent the trial of death that he heard Jehovah speak and heard Jehovah’s voice in the whirlwind. Yet he did not see Jehovah’s face, and he did not know His disposition. What Job gained was merely material wealth that provided physical pleasures and the most beautiful children of all the cities around, as well as the protection of the angels of heaven. He never saw Jehovah, and though he was called righteous, he never knew Jehovah’s disposition. And though the material pleasures of the people of today are, it can be said, temporarily meager, or the environment of the outside world is hostile, I show My disposition, which I have never revealed to man since antiquity and which has always been secret, as well as the mysteries of eons past to the people, who are most lowly of all but to whom I have given My greatest salvation. Moreover, this is the first time I have revealed these things; I have never done such work before. Though you are far inferior to Job, what you have gained and what you have seen have far surpassed him. Though you have undergone all kinds of suffering and experienced all manner of torment, that suffering is not at all like the trials of Job; it is, instead, the judgment and chastisement received by people because of their rebelliousness, because of their resistance, and because of My righteous disposition; it is righteous judgment, chastisement, and curse. Job, on the other hand, was a righteous man among the Israelites who received Jehovah’s great love and tenderness. He had committed no evil acts, and he did not resist Jehovah; rather, he was faithfully devoted to Jehovah. Because of his righteousness, he was subjected to trials, and he underwent fiery trials because he was a faithful servant of Jehovah. The people of today are subjected to My judgment and curse because of their filthiness and unrighteousness. Though their suffering is nothing like what Job went through when he lost his livestock, his property, his servants, his children, and all of those dear to him, what they suffer is fiery refinement and burning. And what makes it more serious than what Job experienced is that such trials are not lessened or removed because people are weak; instead, they are long-lasting, and continue until people’s final day of life. This is punishment, judgment, and curse; it is merciless burning, and even more, it is humankind’s rightful “inheritance.” It is what people deserve, and it is where My righteous disposition is expressed. This is a known fact. Nevertheless, what people have gained greatly surpasses the suffering they endure today. The suffering you endure is merely a setback resulting from your foolishness, while what you have gained is a hundred times greater than your suffering. According to the laws of Israel in the Old Testament, all those who resist Me, all those who openly judge Me, and all those who do not follow My way, and instead boldly offer profane sacrifices to Me, will surely be destroyed by fire in the temple or be stoned to death by some of the chosen ones, and even the descendants of their own clans and other direct kin will suffer My curse. In the lives to come, they will not be free, but will be the slaves of My slaves, and I will drive them into exile among the Gentiles, and they will be unable to return to their homeland. Based on their actions and behavior, the suffering endured by the people of today is not nearly as grave as the punishment suffered by the Israelites. Saying that what you are currently suffering is retribution is not without justification, because you really have crossed the line. If you had been in Israel, you would have become eternal sinners, and you would have been cut to pieces by the Israelites long ago and burnt by the fire from heaven in Jehovah’s temple. What is it that you have now gained? What have you received, and what have you enjoyed? I have revealed My righteous disposition in you, but most important is that I have revealed My patience for redeeming humankind. One could say that the work I have done in you is but the work of patience; it is done for the sake of My management and, moreover, is done for the sake of humanity’s enjoyment.

Although Job underwent the trials of Jehovah, he was merely a righteous man who worshiped Jehovah. Despite undergoing those trials, he did not complain about Jehovah, and he treasured his encounter with Him. Not only do the people of today not cherish Jehovah’s presence, but they reject, detest, complain about, and mock His appearance. Have you not gained more than a little? Has your suffering really been so great? Have you not been more blessed than Mary and James? And has your resistance really been so trivial? Could it be that My requirements of you are too high, and I have asked too much from you? My wrath was only unleashed upon those Israelites who resisted Me, not directly upon you; what you have gained has been merely My merciless judgment and exposure, as well as relentless fiery refinement. In spite of this, people continue to resist and refute Me, and they do so without a shred of submission. There are even some who distance themselves from Me and deny Me; such people are no better than the band of Korah and Dathan who opposed Moses. People’s hearts are too hardened, and their natures are too stubborn. They never change their old natures. I say they are laid bare like prostitutes in broad daylight, and My words are harsh to the point that they even might be “offensive to the ears,” exposing people’s natures to the light of day—yet they merely nod their heads, shed a few tears, and force themselves to feel a bit sad. Once this has passed, they are as fierce as the king of wild beasts in the mountains, and they have not the slightest awareness. How can people with such a disposition know that they have been a hundred times more blessed than Job? How can they realize that what they enjoy are blessings that have hardly been seen throughout the ages, and that no one has ever enjoyed before? How can people’s consciences sense such blessings, blessings that contain punishment? Frankly speaking, all I require of you is so that you can be models for My work, witnesses for My entire disposition and all of My actions, and so that you may be freed from the afflictions of Satan. Yet people are always repelled by My work and are intentionally hostile to it. How could such people not incite Me to bring back the laws of Israel, and to bring upon them the wrath I brought upon Israel? Although there are many among you who are “obedient and submissive” toward Me, there are even more who are of the ilk of the band of Korah. Once I have attained My full glory, I will use the fire from heaven to burn them to ashes. You should know that I will no longer chastise people with My words; rather, before doing the work of Israel, I will completely incinerate “the band of Korah” who resist Me and whom I long ago eliminated. Humankind will no longer have the opportunity to enjoy Me; instead, all that they see will be My wrath and flames from heaven. I will reveal the various outcomes of all sorts of people, and I will divide them all into categories. I will take note of their every rebellious act and then finish My work, so that people’s outcomes will be determined based on My verdict while on the earth as well as by their attitudes toward Me. When that time comes, there will be nothing that can change their outcomes. Let people reveal their own outcomes! Then I will hand people’s outcomes over to the heavenly Father.

Previous: How Should You Attend to Your Future Mission?

Next: What Is Your Understanding of God?

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